Something I haven’t seen before, a different varietal of Moretti. This one is labeled as a doppelbock. Pours dark amber, medium light head. Fairly strong hop, but also strong roasted malt. Pretty mild middle and clean finish with some lingering bitter. I would call it more of a red than a doppelbock, though at 7.2 ABV it does pack some punch. Medium thick mouthfeel. It’s certainly much preferable to my tastes than the standard Moretti you find.
In comparison to others, I’d give it a barely eeked 3 doppelmonkeys out of 4. I don’t know if it stands out enough to rate a 3, but its definitely better than a 2. F though, that ABV is sneaky, not high enough you notice it when drinking, but every time I’ve had one, it affects me. Either I get really sleepy and knock out, or just now I slammed my toe into the corner of the door jamb! The other night I stubbed my other toe into something else, I might have to give up on this beer!
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