Got a chance to see this anime film the the HIFF tonight, it was their closing film. This is currently a huge blockbuster in Japan. It’s been sitting at #1 at Japan theaters since it opened over 2 months ago, only briefly being knocked down the other week but back at #1. Last I looked it sits at #7 of all time grossing film at Japan theaters, foreign or domestic. And no, it’s not a Miyazaki film, who holds the #1 spot with Spirited Away, it’s a Maokoto Shinkai film. The man who started in video games and many of his works were one man shows, producer/director/animator/voice and done on his Mac. I’ve seen most of his other anime. Visually stunning, he’s king of deeply saturated atmospheric visuals.
It’s late and I’m tired, so for know lets say I give it 4 out 4 separation anxiety monkeys. It’s got its flaws, but its a gorgeous engaging film if you’re not looking for a action splitting kind of thing. I’ll write more later, it was worth the price of admission.