The bike rack for the FR-S is finally done. What I did was buy some 1 1/4″ stainless steel rod from a local metal supply shop and then drew up some plans and handed it over to Fabio. From there it went to the mystery machinist. After making a large pile of shiny sharp metal curlicues I got two beautifully machined clubs. The tips were made to match the OEM tow loop and I threaded them in. Shoulders machined at the other end match the clamping areas of the Yakima rack. Put it together and here it is. Used it a few times already and it sure is convenient!
Archive for the 'bike' Category
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Friday, 30 May 2014
It wasn’t rainy when I got home, but it was overcast. I figured I better give it a shot and get some saddle time. I got a bit of a late start, and it was very windy, so the start of a light drizzle was enough to send me home prematurely.
D = 10.3 km, Vavr = 14.9 km/h, Vmax = 32.5 km/h, T = 41-minutes, A/D = 159 m
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
The traffic cams were frozen, probably from homeless copper thieves cutting the fiber optic cables somewhere, so I was happy to find the weather was actually nice when I got home, though not as nice as it looked on the frozen images from last week! I was still in a fair amount of discomfort from the Memorial Day hike, but riding the bike did make the sore knee feel a lot better. It didn’t do anything positive for the sore shoulders though.
D = 9.29 km, Vavr = 14.2 km/h, Vmax = 31.2 km/h, T = 39-minutes, A/D = 114 m
Monday, 26 May 2014
Like clockwork, rainy weather rolled in for the long weekend. With the prospects for a ride all but gone, when Memorial Day Monday rolled around, a hike was decided on. Chris and I met at Root’s then we headed over to Koko Head district park, then up past the rifle range to the entrance of Hanauma Bay. We hiked the ridge road, following a large group of beachgoing visitors. They turned down a side trail assumedly to a bus stop and we continued up to the turnoff to the point. Descdending along the rim of the first explosion crater, we passed Mojo Dave’s best customer, all decked out in Vertx with an Eberlestock pack. I asked him how long he had been out there, assuming from the size of his loadout he had been there at least overnight, but he said he was there only a couple of hours. My knee was fine on the climb up. but this descent was starting to cause discomfort. Continue reading ‘In Memoriam of My Knee’
Friday, 23 May 2014
The traffic cams showed it was sunny, so I went straight home and took a Friday spin on the bike. Best to take advantage of good weather, since it could turn to weeks of rain. Probably the best way to end a week!
D = 10.7 km, Vavr = 14.8 km/h, Vmax = 37.5 km/h, T = 43-minutes, A/D = 143 m
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Doctor’s clearance, clear afternoon weather, and the upcoming Whistler expedition meant secret training for conditioning. Plus, getting mudded-out on the previous Saturday’s ride left me itching to get out on the bike. Knee felt pretty good afterwards.
D = 8.8 km, Vavr =Â 15.4 km/h, Vmax = 36.1 km/h, T = 34-minutes, A/D = 132 m
Saturday, 17 May 2014
There had been some rain during the week, but on the two days leading up to the weekend, it was dry, so we figured the Ditch would be fine for a afternoon spin. It must have been raining out in Waimanalo, because we found the trail a muddy mess. The hikers coming out of the gate were all pretty muddy and had moon-shoe. I don’t exactly know why we didn’t give up, but we rode up Government Road until it got too slippery, then tried going out along the ditch, until it became too soupy to continue. Government road had been recently bulldozed, so the regraded surface was ripe to transform into sticky mud at a hint of moisture. Oh well. Should have just gone to get beer and blown off the ride! Bike got another bath. Took two hours to clean up from a one-hour ride.
Pictures soon
D = 1.93 km, Vavr = 4.9 km/h, Vmax = 12.9 km/h, T = 24-minutes, A/D =Â 133m, Total ride time about an hour.
Was almost going to give up on a ride, but Chris will be glad to know I went. I took a peek outside when work was done and saw how beautiful it was. I’m healthy, I don’t have wimmin problems, I don’t have a p p puppy, f it, I’m going riding! Continue reading ‘Solo St Lous’
Bicycle vs. TPT yellow tour bus at Pu’uhale and Nimitz. HFD pouring bleach on pie-pan-sized pool of blood.
(0)In my review of the Bell Super all mountain helmet I mentioned how the GoPro accessory mount is a bit weak. The black parts in this pic are the stock Bell part. The little Velcro tab is all that keeps it attached. The underside of the black plastic is molded in the shape of the vent hole that it fits in so that keeps it from wiggling too much, but you can only get so much tension from the Velcro. When I put the anko extension on the GoPro it got seriously wiggly. My solution was to make a plate that goes on the inside of the helmet and use bolts to retain the mount. I used the PVC plastic sheet that I have a pile left over, cut it to shape, and heated it with the heat gun and formed it into the helmet. I then drilled holes to take a nylon screw and nut, I really didn’t savor the idea of metal screws pointed straight at my forehead. I had to grind a little on the center tab to fit the nut in there, but it seems to work well. Now I just have to work out some kind of a bumper to hold up the extension arm, other wise the camera ends up drooping into my face.