Is there such a thing as a #2 Phillips insert bit that isn’t made in the PRC anymore? I still have to check at City Mill and as a last resort Home Despot, but all Sears had were from China, both Craftsman and DeWalt branded ones (they probably all come from the same slave-labor camp). The only thing they had that was not from the PRC in that section were Posidriv bit sets, but those are probably ancient stock, as nobody uses freak bits like those (or 8-point sockets).
(1)Archive for the 'Culture' Category
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Thanks, Teddy’s in Mo’ili’ili. “Fish and Chips” without the fries is just “fish”. Should have known they’d screw up the order when the counter person asked if I’d like fries with my fish and chips. Hello?!?! Angry Ckucke is going to get our $2.49 USD plus tax back.
(2)Weird. Saw an old Mitsubishi Montero Sport that someone went through the trouble to rebadge “Nativa” which is what it is sold as in the Middle East and Central America. That’s even more weird than kids rebadging their USDM E120 Toyota Corollas with Southeast Asia “Altis” badges.
(0)If you arrived here from the Honolulu Academy of Arts August Moon event page, take a look here, or browse on the “art” category. Thanks!
Saw a Saturn Ion making a turn off Punchbowl by Restaurant Row. There was a pedestrian in the crosswalk, but the Saturn driver invoked the “yield to pedestrians in your lane of traffic” rule by driving in the oncoming lane instead! Sorry, ma’am – that’s not how the law works.
(0)Had a guy in a Ford Harley Davidson edition pickup truck in back of me in Kaka’ako today. At every four-way stop, he ghosted me through the intersection after I stopped, yielded to other traffic, and proceeded, without stopping himself.  Even with the traffic with the right of way on the cross streets honking their horns at him, he continued to do this. He knew the law, but intentionally disregarded it.
(0)Today was one of those days of realizing just how far along in life we are. Attended the service for Mr. Doran, a good teacher from high school. An outstanding teacher from high school. He is the reason I even remember any part of the Robert Frost poem I quote in the title. Much of the details of what I learned in his classes are lost in the haze of time in my brain, but I believe that time spent helped formed what I am today. He is forever Mr. Doran to me and so it came as a bit of a shock to hear of his passing. In my mind I see him as I knew him in high school, so this was a wake up call that time waits for no one. Mr. Doran, I hope you rest well knowing that you have been a positive influence on so many in this soceity, that your life’s endeavor as an educator was not for naught. The world has lost a valuable asset, for without education, we fall into chaos.
Mr. Doran, you have kept your promises, and done your miles, it is now time for your sleep.
Two – actually three if I count dinner – beers later, I’ve got a pretty rocking headache. Being homeless in the airport terminal doesn’t help I guess… Pocari Sweat to the rescue!
(0)So I didn’t score a hotel room for the night, but I got the next best thing – 2,000-yen in meal coupons. It sucked a little that they were only good for a few places, and they were given to me after 21:00, when a lot of the places that actually remain open after 21:00 are moving to a more limited menu. I went by the pre-immigration 24-hour restaurant and got a beer, some assorted sausages, and a tsukudani nigiri. About the time my food arrived, they switched to the limited menu, so I couldn’t get dessert. No problem: I ordered another beer!