Former O’ahu MTB-er and surfer Vince “Akron†Labbe was in town last week for the Hawaii premiere of the film, Out of Place, in which he is a featured athlete for the Honolulu Academy of Arts Third Annual Surf Film Festival. He gave a Q&A session after the film and handed out some tee shirts. Chris and the Missus, Ckucke, and I made it down for the premiere showing. The film was well-done, from both the documentary and sports film standpoints. I came away with that awestruck, inspired feeling that I had as a teen after seeing Endless Summer. It will be showing again on Wednesday, 21 July 2010 at the Doris Duke Theater at 13:00, 16:00, and 19:30. I definitely recommend you go and check it out! For more info, go by the Honolulu Academy of Arts website.
Archive for the 'Culture' Category
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Overheard at potentially the best hotel/restaurant in Majuro:
Guy A: Did you get that rat yet?
Guy B: Which rat?
Guy A: The one running around the kitchen.
Hmm, this cant be good. Then I heard rumours of the staff getting a $5 bonus for each rat dispatched after hours.
It’s funny how Auntie Linda’s weekly radio address has degenerated from gratuitous self-back-patting for the rare, phantasmically intangible, or elusive gains and accomplishments that she percieved that herself or her cronies were responsible for, to whining partisan political blame-laying and finger-pointing as to why she can’t accomplish anything. Waiter, this lame duck is salty and bitter, please take it back to the kitchen.
(0)What kind of d!ck brings his/her dog all the way up to Tripler Hospital and leaves dog poop on the lawn next to the sidewalk outside the family practice/pediatrics wing where the likelyhood is high that a child will step on the bacteria-laden krapp pile?
(0)On the left side of the KOHA Foods Hite Beer delivery truck:
“Hite Beer From Pure Spring Water 500ft. Below”
500-feet below? Below what? That’s called a well guys, as a Spring would typically be on the surface. Methinks either something was lost in the translation, or it’s a case of using original KDM Engrish advertising copy verbatim.
(0)George Clooney’s Descendants is filming at Queen’s lobby this morning. Hawaii Five-O (Pilot, 2010) is still down at the State courthouse and Downtown Post Office area. A few paparazzi out in front of QMC with big white lenses on their DSLR’s. There are a bunch of signs out with “no parking times” by the State Library and the homeless park in Kaka’ako, so expect filming at those locations too.
(0)Whoa. Just spent $50 USD at Hanamaru for dinner. Oh, it was really good. I’m pretty sure that it is easy to get out of there for less than $20 for a set meal, but if you go the izakaya-style picky dishes route, it can get up there. In depth review to come soon. Definitely a better way to spend $50 than going to tonight’s Bon Jovi concert!
(0)Saw a overly tinted black Hilux Surf today with one of those grossly deformed, overly stylized Hinano girl rip-off copyright-infringement diecut stickers on the back glass. Not out of the ordinary, except for the subtitle, “Respect the Culture,” below it. Huh? What? Really – what the F is that supposed to mean? Which culture? Are these words related in any way to the Hinano girl, or do they just coincidentally occupy adjacent space?
(0)The New Year in Hawaii means interesting seasonal entertainment from Japan on KIKU-TV. The general worldwide economic downturn has been reflected in this annual spectacle in more austere sets and decreased use of expensive shots like the helicopter fly-in on ELT on a rooftop stage at the opening many years back. The talent level has remained fairly consistent through the years, so the enjoyment level has remained pretty much the same. Here are some reflections on this year: Continue reading ‘2010 60th Annual NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen’
Happy New Year to everyone from me also! Unfortunately I got hit by this dang bug right as the year came to a close. What was annoying is that aside from the hacking cough, sinus pressure and itchy eyes, I feel pretty much ok. The cough has subsided but sinus pressure increased. Ah well, such is life. Anyway, this is my åˆæ—¥ã®å‡º image of this year. Yes, I was lazy and although I woke up early enough, I stayed at home and just went out into the front yard. Had ambitious thoughts of riding up Koko Head, the weather was perfect, but the way I was feeling it wasn’t going to happen. Oh, and as an intersting counterpoint, here’s an image of, I’d guess you’d call it hatsutsukinoiri. I understand this is pretty rare occurance having a full moon on New Years. First I’ve seen and made for a nice photo op. Continue reading ‘hatsuhinode’