Archive for the 'Culture' Category

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Kyuketsu Shoujo tai Shoujo Furanken

Just got back from the HIFF screening of this movie, english translated title being Vampire Girl vs Frankenstein Girl. This unabashedly over the top ridiculous blood gushing piece of bizarre entertainment. From much of the same creative talent that brought forth Tokyo Gore Police, Machine Girl, Meatball Machine, so you should know what to expect. Some of the initial camp didn’t click too well, when you see it trying too hard, but it settles down feeling more, how can I word it, natural? That should be about the last time the word natural should be associated with this movie. You just need to go for the ride and let it flow. Do not question how goth lolita, ganguro extreme, emo wrist cutters, kabuki mad scientist, naughty nurse, sumo gimp, samurai skelleton armor janitor, St. Francis Xavier, cameo by director of Juon, all comes together, because somehow just as with Dr. Frankenstein’s creation, it does. I actually found the “plot” of this film to be pretty cohesive, simple, and easier to follow than many of the other gorefest films I mentioned. And the sexual content is actually fairly minimal, esp in comparison. But the absurdity content is not, which is a good thing. I’ve seen other reviews complain about the low production values, they missed the point. I don’t have much complaints with the directing, there was maybe a scene I felt went on for too long, but in all the roller coaster ride worked well. I like the soundtrack, added to the absurdity of it all. I have to say I really enjoyed this movie. For fans of Japanese cult films, over the top gore fests, highly recommended for mature immature audience. For people who don’t get this kind of stuff, they’ll find much to be offended. I can’t believe with this title and all the promo materials that there were people who thought this was going to be a horror movie….

Monster Mash Opening Reception

Here are some pictures of the opening reception of the Monster Mash show at Chinatown Boardroom last Thursday.  There were a good number of pieces sold on opening night.  The show will run through Halloween, so go by and check it out if your’e in the area!  Thanks to everyone who made it down.  Jackie did an amazing job hanging the show solo and stenciling the walls around the paintings.


Darned rain.  Darned food poisoning.  October 4th came and went.  I missed Tsukimi.  Oh, well – maybe next year.  Oh yeah – that reminds me – I didn’t get to enjoy any moon cake this year.

Monster Mash

Monster_Mash_thumbnailI’m part of a group art show, “Monster Mash,” at Chinatown Boardroom this coming month. The opening reception is this Thursday, 01 October 2009, from 18:00 to 20:00. The show runs through Halloween. Come by and check it out and say, “hi!” If you can’t make it by for the opening, gallery hours are normally Tuesday-Saturday, 11:00-16:00.

Heian-Kyou he!

I think the worst is over with the bronchitis after getting a different antibiotic.  That’s over a month I’ve been out of action and off the bike with this!  The lung tissues are still sensitive, so any minor irritation or reaction brings the cough back – I’m sure this will persist for a while like usual.  Tomorrow I’m headed to Kyoto for some historical exploration, so I hope I survive this trip without too much trouble…  It’s a short trip, so I’m not going to bother taking the laptop with me, and I don’t know if I’ll find a workstation at the hotel, so I’ll see y’all when I get back.

Walk the Walk

I saw a negative reaction to some students burning a star cut from an American flag in the Honolulu Advertiser Letters to the Editor this morning. This act was meant as a protest to the anniversary of Statehood, but was typical in its half-baked execution, which is in turn typical of the ignorant mentality of certain native rights/sovereignity groups. Immediately popping to mind was a memory of television news footage from the early days of the Makua valley controversy of a man in glasses climbing out of his brand new Subaru saying, “We don’t accept the White man’s laws. We don’t accept the White man’s ways.” Really? Where’s your malo? Explain your glasses and car. If these students were really advocating a return to pre-contact ways, they darned-well had better be ready to cut out the star with an obsidian or shark-tooth implement and start the fire with hau branches – made in PRC Fiskars and the BIC lighter don’t cut it! If you’re going to talk the talk, you have to walk the walk… unless you’re just a fake or poser.


Laie Point

On the way to Kahuku last night, just as the Foodland came into view in Laie, I mumbled “Isnt Laie Point around here?”  Dave suddenly exclaimed “TURN HERE!”  So I slammed on the brake, probably freaking the heck out of the pickup truck behind me, and jammed into the right turn leading to Laie Point.

Dave apparently has never been here, the subject of much discussion, and source of one of our favorite movie quotes.  “Dis is Laie Point.  Its so beautiful.  Its my home”.




P1010549Yes, I’m terrible, my mother was so involved with all the cultural goings on, and after she passed away I was/am quite ignorant of it. I know I had noticed these wooden things in the past, and saw them again this year on the grounds of the Jodo Mission. I had been meaning to ask about them as I had a vague understanding that they were to honor and commorate your loved ones that had passed. The large o-toba need to be preordered. It just so happened that my sister and younger nephew are visiting and we decided to visit my mother’s niche this Saturday. And it just so happens that the Jodo Mission was performing the obon rituals this weekend. So we got the express “chutoba” version. I understand that these toba tablets are unique to the Jodo Mission sect. During obon, it is believed that the spirits of the deceased come back for a visit. The bon dances and festivals is a celebration, the spirits are partying along too, and when it’s over, the spirits are then sent back with the toronagashi ritual to symbolize that. The toba are thought to be the temporary lodging so to speak for these spirits.

So mom, I’m awkward with this cermonial stuff, but somehow as much by chance, or perhaps some etherial hand gently nudging events, we showed up for this. So me, Tokiko and Sascha made it to your hatsubon, first obon. Enjoy!

Milk is a Good Ride Substitute

The group fell apart on Thursday and the weather wasn’t conducive anyway, so there was no Tantalus ride.  The weather on Friday afternoon was questionable also, so I sat it out again.  After finding myself on the somewhat nostalgic J-pop section of the song rotation on the car MP3 player,  I used the bike down-time to go and rewatch my region-2 Anzai Hiroko Resolution and R DVD’s, and the Deeps Visual Diary DVD.  Mmm… milk!  Next week it’ll probably be all my MAX DVD’s.


Bus Stop Culture

Heading over to Cedar Street Gallery after work to check out Jason Teraoka’s works in the 14-artist group show “Bus Stop Culture”. I wonder what he painted? Hopefully I can find parking down there… Wonder if the Gelato shop next door will be open? Continue reading ‘Bus Stop Culture’