Well, day two for me, but actually the 4th day of events. Anyway, I’ve finished processing my pile of pics from Sundays events. Some nice stuff, even caught Donna trying to be all incognito kachashi. Another blazingly nice day, probably because I brought my jacket with me after getting sprinkled on during the Rinken Band concert the previous night and the weather forecast in the morning paper calling for chance of heavy showers. Not a hint of rain. It was nice to go and get a dose of culture, I haven’t done anything like that in a while. Great performances, although some of the contemporary performances damaged my ears more than I cared for, some were in my opinion over amplified. As expected, the Naha Daiko wrapped the weekend up with a dynamic performance that never dissapoints.
My additions to gallery are here: gallery
Will try to get my lesser quality pics from previous day/night up soon.