Archive for the 'Culture' Category

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Okifest Day 2

Well, day two for me, but actually the 4th day of events. Anyway, I’ve finished processing my pile of pics from Sundays events. Some nice stuff, even caught Donna trying to be all incognito kachashi. Another blazingly nice day, probably because I brought my jacket with me after getting sprinkled on during the Rinken Band concert the previous night and the weather forecast in the morning paper calling for chance of heavy showers. Not a hint of rain. It was nice to go and get a dose of culture, I haven’t done anything like that in a while. Great performances, although some of the contemporary performances damaged my ears more than I cared for, some were in my opinion over amplified. As expected, the Naha Daiko wrapped the weekend up with a dynamic performance that never dissapoints.

My additions to gallery are here: gallery

Will try to get my lesser quality pics from previous day/night up soon.

OkiFest ’07

So another year of the Okinawan Festival has come and gone. This year marks its 25th anniversary. Many groups were visiting from Okinawa to help celebrate that milestone. Was running around with the XT and Taro’s 28-135, ended up shooting nearly a whole 2GB Card.

I’ve started posting some in the gallery.

Saw lots of old friends, and met some new ones too. Overall well worth the energy zapping, heat stroke inducing sun for a 1.5 days.

Chelsea and Nicole

On Sunday,  I went to my cousins’ graduation party at the Hale Koa hotel, Waikiki Ballroom.  Root knows which cousins they are – he saw them at Dangerway once when we were getting Saturday dinner ingrediments.  Nicole graduated with a BA in something from UHM, and Chelsea graduated from high school. She’s on the cheerleader/dance squad, so she and a couple of her friends performed several well-choreographed sets (I wonder if Mitch’s daughter knows her?).  Sorry – no pictures! Continue reading ‘Chelsea and Nicole’

Yotteko-ya Kyoto Ramen

Thursday dinner with the boys, decided to finally try out this ramen place in McCully Shopping center. The Asian skank and hooligan wannabe shopping center. The shopping center of profanity sounding eateries, what with “phuket”, “fook yuen”, “dong”. The shopping center of horrible parking. The shopping center of strange clientel going into the 7-11 (actually, I think that describes every 7-11). Set on the second floor at the very ewa end is Yotteko-ya. Continue reading ‘Yotteko-ya Kyoto Ramen’


This past saturday was enchiladas at Wayland’s, and booty from Hokkaido from Dave.

tequila!Since it seems to be Mexican food, we start off with shots of tequila. Honest, I didn’t drink before taking this shot, much. Needed some snacky bits to go along, so Dave busted out the salmon jerky from Hokkaido. Good stuff!  Complete with Engrish! Actually grammatically the English on the packaging was pretty good, just um, ornate.


Yes, the print is impossibly tiny: “when the high northern sky clears to a perfect light  higher than in any other season  salmon which have survived a long long sea journey return with unrelenting determination  Never daunted by raging torrents  toward the river of their birthplace  salmon are swimming with heartfelt devotion  their silvery scales glistening  What vitality and mystery they are filled with!  A last salmon struggle along in their birthplace  an unending goal throughout their pilgramage  spawn a large number of eggs and then exhaust their remaining energy  only to be carried away by a stream”

Anyway, the enchiladas came out yummy, the Hokkaido craft beer tasty, the rest of night was pretty mellow. All the pics at:


And speaking of Engrish, was eating dinner tonight and found some. Everyone who comes to the table with a good health deserves a smack.


I’m maui bound for work tomorrow, at least I won’t have chickens waking me up ungodly early

Kamp part 2

Memorial Day 2007 Kamp Part 2

Yawn.  What time is it anyways?  Drat its already starting to get hot.  And what is that I hear?

Continue reading ‘Kamp part 2’


So this past memorial day weekend was spent camping at Hoomaluhia Botanical Garden. We havnt been camping for a few years. My Blue Tarp that I used to use for ground cover turned into dust; so I meant to buy one that day; but forgot at the moment I remembered that I needed my floppy hat. So I ended up stopping back at the house to get some 6mil plastic sheet that happened to be lying around.

That turned out to be a preview of things to come. Continue reading ‘Kamp’

Rockabilly pictures

As I write this, I am uploading pictures to the SNM gallery from the show opening party.  Check it out here: Rockabilly Surf Show