Seifuku at the mall!
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There is a traditional myth that the slimy juice from awapuhi ginger flowers can be used as a shampoo, cleanser, and conditioner. Since the flowers were in bloom on the last ride, I harvested a selection of various levels of maturity for an empirical test. Both small, young flowers and large, older flowers produced a slime of equivalent quality. Regardless of age or size, all the gel produced performed the same as a shampoo – poorly. It didn’t remove any of the oily filth of a several hour mountain bike ride, but it did leave a smooth feeling similar to a commercial conditioner. The lingering dirt smell the fluid left unfortunately diminished the possible conditioning benefit. Fail. I guess it might be possible to use it as a conditioner after first shampooing, but it doesn’t appear to have any cleansing properties. It would be nice if it smelled like ginger instead of dirt.
Here we go again into the fray. I’ve been neglecting my anime watching for a couple of weekends, so I decided to catch up with some summer shows that were winding down and maybe see some new ones. There are several that haven’t started yet, but here’s the first: Continue reading ‘2013 Fall Season Anime’
HKT48’s Melon Juice… Just can’t say anything about it without getting into some kind of trouble, even if only quoting lyrics!
(0)Looking at the clock in Chris’ car, I wasn’t surprised that we were the first at the trailhead. It was a little surprising that Root was moments behind us. Being a holiday, I was expecting the parking area to be full, but there was only one other user. Jeff, Sara, Danny and first-timer Craig arrived, and just about when the introductions were finished, Ckucke and JT arrived. It was good to see the stand-up crew back on two wheels in the dirt. There was some question as to whether JT could make it, since he had left his ride kit at work last week. He managed to borrow a helmet and shoes, so he was good to go. That made for a full crew! Continue reading ‘New Fodder for the Meat Grinder’
“Seiro-mushi – only the taste and flavor is preserved.” What, at the expense of appearance, form, and texture?
(0)Saturn Ion going about 75 up Ka’ahumanu weaving in and out of traffic, running the red at Moanalua. This can’t end well.
(0)More current season anime!
Watashi ga Motenai no wa dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! “WataMote†(No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys’ Fault I’m Not Popular!) – this one is about a “mojou†or unpopular girl. In addition to being a fujyoshi otaku girl, she is completely socially dysfunctional, delusional, and creepy. There’s nothing remotely cute or moe about her. I can’t say I like the artwork. The backgrounds are middle-of-the-road with a lot of pentagonal/hexagonal lighting accents that look like American animation backgrounds. The character animation is fairly well executed. The whole story is just so sad and disturbing. It would seem that she actually needs some professional mental health attention, so it’s difficult to enjoy something that is making jokes at the expense of a character suffering from a psychological condition. I’m not saying that from a political correctness standpoint: I just find it unfunny. That being said, I guess this is the “train wreck†property this season, where I don’t really like it, but since I can’t obviously see where the story will wind up, I’ll keep watching to the end. C
root – Its rather painful to watch, unfunny psychosis. I guess it’s suppose to take insecurities that everyperson experiences at some time and taken to extremes. Any chuckles that come are rather uneasy. I think the only thing I really like is that the opening theme music is angry, not that often heard in anime themes. C Continue reading ‘More 2013 Spring Anime’