Archive for the 'Gear' Category

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Joy joy!

In retrospect I should have bought some of these for wayland.
>such amusement about town today. Also put my name in for Servco to call me when they get shipment of FR-S’ through customs, apparently it’s on the docks. Only the “tame” colors in this batch, white, black, or dark grey. I think it’s going to be white. Yes, maybe boring but I like it, I think the white looks good. It’s actually a bit pearl and seems to cost a little more. The black is nice, but I don’t want the maintenance.


Ouch! My Wallet

Shopping days will do that.  Caught the subway out to Shiroishi and went to Shuugakusou Shiroishi to turn about $270 USD into things made out of titanium.  Their Snow*Peak signature store is pretty awesome.  They also have various other domestic titanium backpacking cookware and tableware manufacturers that don’t carry as heavy a price tag, but the stuff is still not cheap.  Nice thing though the mystery Japan ti brands are not much more than mystery China ti stuff like GSI Outdoors. Continue reading ‘Ouch! My Wallet’

Victorinox Classic Stay Glow

I must have either been underneath a rock or just not paying attention, otherwise I would have gotten one of these a long time ago. When I wasn’t looking, Victorinox added glow-in-the-dark yellow to the list of choices for scale color for their Classic pocketknife. Like the GITD 1-liter Nalgene bottle, the luminescent feature at first seems gimmicky, but in actual use the ability to glow is understandable and desirable. I figure it will make the knife easier to find and harder to lose. If the knife lives in your pocket or SERE kit, it won’t be “charged” with ambient light, so it won’t glow when you whip it out in the dark, but if you’re using it at night with a flashlight or headlamp, the glow will probably help locate it if you put it down or drop it. Even if it isn’t “charged”, the slightly greenish yellow is pretty garish, so it stands out against most natural background colors, making it easy to spot even if it isn’t actively glowing. Continue reading ‘Victorinox Classic Stay Glow’

Nalgene 1-liter Glow-in-the-Dark Tritan Bottle

I kept slacking on picking one of these up in the couple of years they’ve been out, but I finally managed to find one in stock. There is no great technological leap here, just a rigid, screw top BPA-free plastic bottle and some glow-in-the-dark paint. The Nalgene 1-liter bottle is pretty much the de facto worldwide standard for rigid water bottles. There are a lot of pouches and accessories for them, so if you’re going to get one anyway, might as well get the glowing one. The glow is muted compared to some other GITD items, but it is enough to spot the bottle in total darkness. This makes both finding the bottle for a late-night sip of water and avoiding tripping over the bottle on the tent floor a lot easier. The glow material is a sprayed-on coating, so it can be scratched or worn off. I am guessing they used a coating instead of mixing whatever it is that supports the glow into the plastic itself to prevent the material from coming into contact with the water. It’s probably safe to say that in general, you don’t want to ingest stuff that glows. Continue reading ‘Nalgene 1-liter Glow-in-the-Dark Tritan Bottle’

September Patches 2

Okay, I know it’s October already, but I picked these up from Mojo Tactical last Friday, so it was still September. The kitty pirate flag is available in subdued tan, and black with red bow versions. They’re both pretty cool, but I figured I would actually use the subdued one and the black one would end up a permanent patch book resident, so I passed on that colorway. The “parental advisory” patch has a bad word, so you’ll have to click “more” below to go to the full post view to see the image. Continue reading ‘September Patches 2’

September Patches

I’ve been slacking a bit on this.  I picked these up from Dave at Mojo Tactical earlier this month.  I wonder if they have something for the .338 Lapua Magnum and .50 BMG crowd?

SureFire Fury First Impressions

I’m not going to even attempt to do a full-on test and evaluation on this light because I don’t have the necessary equipment to measure and compare the light output and spectra, and I bought it with my own money, so I don’t want to break it or get it all dinged up doing destructive/failure tests. All the important facts and figures are available online, so I won’t reiterate them here. That said, here we go. Continue reading ‘SureFire Fury First Impressions’

Made in China – #2 Phillips Insert Bits

Is there such a thing as a #2 Phillips insert bit that isn’t made in the PRC anymore?  I still have to check at City Mill and as a last resort Home Despot, but all Sears had were from China, both Craftsman and DeWalt branded ones (they probably all come from the same slave-labor camp).  The only thing they had that was not from the PRC in that section were Posidriv bit sets, but those are probably ancient stock, as nobody uses freak bits like those (or 8-point sockets).


Spork Little Fail!

My black Light My Fire Spork Little fell into two pieces today when I was washing it.  It had survived Greek yoghurt and instant Korean spicy noodles earlier in the evening, but couldn’t handle dish detergent and water.  I wasn’t even bending it or twisting it.  It didn’t go “pop” when it failed either - it just released.  Now I’m down to the white one since the avocado green one disappeared almost immediately.  Weak.

The Right Two Bear Arms

Punny… but pretty funny.  Go see Dave at Mojo Tactical.