1 hour 15 minutes later I’m finally in the airport bar pounding a .5l draft Hoegarten. Guess that makes up for some of it, and the fact they stopped carrying Guinness.
Archive for the 'rant' Category
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Da fak?! Is the self service terminals all broken? The screens are up but no one is using them, good thing I’m an hour and 40 minutes early!
After replacing the eight mangled spokes on my rear wheel on Tuesday, I went for a spin today to test out the rebuild. After some hard climbing and purposely hard landings, the wheel was still true, so I guess everything is fine. There was one inside drive-side spoke that was a little stretched that was bugging me, but since the wheel is still round, I won’t mess with it. On the way back, I accidentally found a mud bog in the park and ended up getting muddier than I have on any of the past several rides!
D = 9.32 km (5.79-miles), Vavr = 16.6 km/h (10.3-mph), Vmax = 34.6 km/h (21.5-mph), T = 33-minutes
Mercedes Benz GLK dealer shuttle broken down in front of Servco Lexus – you can’t buy advertising like that!
(0)Mister Entitlement leans back in his chair, sliding his butt down to the edge of the seat and extending his feet out at 45-degrees and splaying his elbows out to the sides as he flips the imaginary pages on his e-reader, trying to take up as much of the physician’s office waiting room as possible by himself.
“if you call for an appointment, they have a legal obligation to see you,” he grumbles to his significant other (or babysitter – couldn’t really tell which she was).
He has an appointment, so he is entitled to occupy as much territory in the office as he feels is rightfully owed him!
What kind of a dick parks his Nissan Altima in front of the Lion Coffee Cafe’s parking garage entrance so nobody can get in? A guy with a refillable holiday edition Starbucks cup!
(0)Saw a paper-plated brand-new Ford Fusion today. The vertical alignment of the trunk was 5mm to 8mm off. The misalignment was clearly visible where the taillight clusters extended from the unibody onto the trunk lid. It was even more apparent when the lights were turned on and the thin perimeter lights accentuated the offset.
(0)The bad driving quotient at Costco is as terrible as Wal-Mart. I’m amazed the parking lot isn’t scattered with crushed pedestrians.
(0)The Sapporo Brug bakery grand opening line is out the door and all the way to the mauka parking. Not worth standing in line for over an hour for the free tote bag.