“Are you OK?”
Of course I’m fine, other than the blood shooting out of my face and this one broken arm…
What the heck kind of question is that?!?!
Archive for the 'rant' Category
Page 15 of 54
Although their look is visual kei, Golden Bomber definitely sounds more disco nowadays than rock.
(0)Saw a 4th gen Mitsubishi Eclipse with a carbon fiber hood. Really? No matter how much money you throw at one of those, it will still be a slow, terrible car. I can’t believe someone actually manufactures a carbon hood for it! That’s even weirder than a body kit for a Hyundai Tiburon.
(2)Yah! Power outage! Good thing I finished my bike ride, although it’d be kinda neat to ride around without any city lights. Wonder what the heck the cause is, no rain, no wind, very nice night actually. I wonder if I walk down to Bubbies they’ll give free ice cream! Looks like the UPS I just bought recently works too!
OK, it came back on as I was standing outside looking at the night sky. I see someone hiking down the Koko Crater stairs, wow that’s pretty late! I was just about to go raid the fridge and grab a bear and sit out in the driveway sky gazing. Oh well, guess I’ll grab a beer and watch anime on the computer instead!
WTF MicroShaft?! A little while ago, Bing somehow became my default homepage. Used to have it set as Google. And when I went to try and change it using the easiest common way to change your homepage with the homepage icon I’d get a popup saying an attempt to change your homepage was blocked. Had to go to Tools-Internet Options.
(1)Saturday as we were finishing up the brake job on the Dodge, I heard a HFD truck approaching. Scat and eye looked at each other and immediately the thought was, oh, here comes HFD1! The pump truck however turned onto side street that wouldn’t be a normal route to the hiking trail. Looks like a house call. Ambulance followed some minutes later.
HFD1 did fly by later though, but it surprisingly did not go to Koko Crater. More sirens, but none going up our street so looks like it really wasn’t Koko Crater.
Scat and I hopped into the Dodge for a test cruise. As we were going down Lunalilo Home Road, I spotted HFD1 hovering along the Koolau ridge. Uh oh. As we got closer, I could see the flourescent green/yellow of the ground crew hiking up Yoga Sisters ridge and a bevy of HFD trucks at the skate park.
As a special edition for sale in Hokkaido as omiyage to take back to the rest of Japan, Yuraku confectionery introduced the Shiroi Burakku Sandaa (White Black Thunder) chocolate bar. Since the introduction of Ishiya’s Shiroi Koibito white chocolate coated butter cookies, Hokkaido has been inexplicably tied to white chocolate. This is of course in tune with the image of Hokkaido as a snowy, white realm. Thus, the substitution of a white chocolate overlay on the normal dark, milk chocolate automatically makes the Shiroi Burakku Sandaa “Hokkaido-ish”. I haven’t seen the white version as a single bar for sale in grocery or convenience stores, but I’m generally not looking for candy bars. This gift pack is available at various shops at the Shin-Chitose airport, and according to the packaging is in fact made in Hokkaido. I have eaten the normal version, but I can’t recall what it was like, beyond being not “premium” chocolate. The white version essentially tastes like an inside-out Oreo cookie.
Several shows are on hiatus over the new year holiday, but a few new shows have sprung up on CR. Nothing outstanding though, but a few are not terrible. Read about them after the page break! Continue reading ‘2013 Post-New-Year Anime’