Oh… Wait… Yup. 97.1 is off the air again (08:30).
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I noticed a crack on the front edge of the gas pedals of my 08/09 Burton Doom bindings on the first day of riding this Thanksgiving weekend at Solitude. I figured the plastic was getting old and just ignored it. At the end of the second riding day, the left gas pedal actually fell off when I unstrapped my boot. This was moments after performing a field-expedient repair on Fabio’s binding strap. I kind of jammed it back in in hopes it would stay in place from the toestrap pressure, but by the bottom of the hill, it was gone to parts unknown.  It was the end of the day, my board had taken some major hits, and I was tired, so I didn’t think too much of it. We spun by REI to look for replacement bits on the way home. Fabio found a replacement strap segment, but there were no gas pedals as parts. That ended up being the last riding day of the trip, so I figured I would try to resurrect the bindings with donor parts, or get new bindings when I got home. Continue reading ‘Brittle Bindings’
Did the Nihongo FM radio station experiment fail once again? 97.1 was dead space last night when I was driving home. At least if it dies, there weren’t a pile of radio personalities to get used to not hearing anymore.
(2)Does every KARA song sound exactly the same? Not 15-seconds into “Electric Boy” was I forced to change the station away from 97.1 KORL.
(0)It’s bad enough to have to listen to Dreams Come True (who I rabidly dislike) on 97.1, but to hear them mangle English with their horrible xmas song is the stink on the poop!
(0)Saw a black Nissan with “JZTY10” vanity plates. “Jizz Titan”? Okay, whatever, semen giant.
(1)Having a brand spaking new car, I’ve been fairly picky about finding parking, but sometimes lots are pretty full without much choice. Last night stopped by Hawaii Kai to pick up something to eat. Figured it was going to be fast so I picked a stall near far end, but not the very end. It was next to a nice BMW so I hopped less risk. Imagine my horror as I was walking back to my car, the BMW was gone, and some guy was attempting to pull into the end stall with some Buick/Chevy Centuryish thing of recent vintage. He was repeatedly bashing against the end curb trying to turn in, car bouncing around as it started to climb up. Thankfully he gave up, maybe because he saw me, and went to find another stall. Shake your head moments, like seeing a VW Beetle with scraped side. Makes you believe that people really do need back-up sensors on a Smart car.
And check out the site yourparkingsux.com for more examples of great parking skillz!
It’s been a year since I got the E36/8 M Coupe. In that year, I’ve put about 7600 miles on it, and the fuel consumption has settled into the 19-20 MPG (8.1-8.5km/l, 12.4-11.8l/100km) range with occasional dips and peaks. The mileage is double what the Land Cruiser gets, but the M requires 91-octane, so the price-per-gallon is a little higher. For all intents and purposes, my fuel bill has been cut in half. Roughly, that 7600 miles works out to around 390 gallons at 19.5 MPG, which means about $1660 for the year with an average price per gallon of around $4.25. Continue reading ‘A Year on the M’