Darned driving around with hooligans made my gasoline go away! Too much full throttle action. I even got the traction control light flash like an xmas tree turning onto Nimitz.
(1)Archive for the 'rant' Category
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Traffic seems to be fundamentally broken today. Stay inside and hide where it’s safe.
(0)Not a bad HI5-0 episode… except for the bizarre plot-convenience redundant “safety” devices on the Hadji vest.
(0)è…°ãŒç—›ã„! 如何ã—ã¦ï¼Ÿã€€Ow! What the F did I do to cause that? Lower back went off while taking a shower.
(0)While listening to the vacuous K-pop that occasionally ninjas its way onto 97.1 by the unfortunate grace of there being Japanese-language crossover K-songs that make it onto the Japanese chart rankings, I realized that although unintentional on their part, “KARA” means “empty” (空) in Nihongo – you know, like in “karate” or “karaoke” (go look it up). How oddly appropriate! Guess that’s another one to add to the list of otherwise innocuous names that go bad when transplanted into another language like “Nova” and “Pajero.”
(0)Well now, what a surprise, guess who’s back? Another morning job on the Koko Crater stairs. Guess they needed to mix it up a bit and break uo the routine, this time around in addition to dropping off the stretcher to the ground crew,
HFD swung back and a guy did a rapel down the line! Hey man, gotta get everyone in the action as long as we’ve got this bird burning fuel, they came around again and did a second rapel!
Then they got the victim hooked up and pulled him/her out. Kinda wonder if this injury was a bit more serious than the others, they seemed to be taking it slower.
Heard KORL 97.1 call sign jingle, it’s horrible. I guess since the station is locally owned, not a Japan entity, they didn’t have the connections to have someone in Japan do an appropriate jingle? It sounds like a bad American top 40 station jingle.
Hopefully Wayland will enjoy these, since he’ll be inflicted with them. I guess we will all end up being victims though, unless Fabio goes incommunicado and avoids the meetup in anticipation of this. I’ve eaten shako (Oratosquilla oratoria) once. It was flavorless and didn’t break apart when chewed. It wasn’t rubbery like squid, it was more crunchy like gristle. Great. Garlicy gristle! Maybe everyone will be lucky and Ag or Customs will seize them.
Seriously, how do these guys do it? The hourly forecast called for rain last night with a clear, partially cloudy morning, followed by increased cloudiness at noon, with clearing again in the afternoon and evening. It indeed went from blue skies with scattered clouds this morning to a full overcast at lunchtime. I’ll expect blue as I head to the airport this afternoon. They must have some serious supercomputing power!
(0)Reading todays paper, there was an article attributed to AP about a man trampled to death while trying to butcher a cow. The following quote sounds like the cows are taking up arms:
“In all, he said some 150 people were hospitalized in the Palestinian territory with knife wounds or other injuries caused by animals trying to break away.”