Not being covered by warranty and Toyota being so backed up, I tooked the FR-S elsewhere. Unfortunately my go to mechanic for work I don’t want to do is out on long term sick. So on one persons recommendation I decided to take it to Masaki’s down on King. As promised they took a look at it by next day. Estimate was $2,000, ouch! Damn, I wanted to ask if they needed a part time mechanic! However they said it should be done by Friday, if I were to do it, who knows when I would get it done. Besides, I had my hands full putting the rally FX back together. They called at the end of the day Friday to let me know it was done, but they had not road tested so they would not release it until Monday, I can respect that.
Archive for the 'rant' Category
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well, looks like the FRS is out of commission, probably for weeks. The clutch/throw out bearing went out. I’m sitting at Toyota service having dropped it off. They’re also saying prob not covered under warranty. Sucks. And the other issues it has suffered since almost new ill have to make some stink if I want done. I hate dealing with that. I’d take care of it myself except one needs a reflash of the ECU. I guess this is one of the hazards of owning first production new vehicle, but the clutch failure is kinda disappointing.
So the service dude called, throwout bearing is not covered under drivetrain warranty.
So I put a call into Ken at Pacific Automotive, my go to mechanic for stuff I don’t want to deal with myself. Turns out he is out due to health problems, oh no! So now I need to figure out what to do.
it seems like chainring spacers are some kind of mystical vintage part. I’ve asked at almost every shop in whistler with a service department. Quite a few didn’t even know what it was and couldn’t comprehend what I wanted to do. Finally found some at Fanatyk Co but only ancient crusty mechanics know about these and they have poor eyesight or something. I asked for 3mm and he even used a ruler, he scrounged up 4mms.
(0)WTF, Sunday heading
 to dinner at Velcro’s, went to flip down the visor as I was heading into the late afternoon sun. Blam it dropped down into my face. Da fawk! A couple months ago, the passenger visor detent mechanism failed, now this! People on online forums have actually reported this failure before.
Crap, another $70 visit to Toyota parts. Oh yeah, the part is embossed with Subaru logo on back, so I blame them!
Damn. I really should have caught this sooner. I thought everything was good by the end of Sunday. I had the last remaining wires connected in the FX and it started running ok. Prior to that it was running really off and I attributed it to those last wires, even though I could have sworn they were just for instrumentation and wouldn’t effect the engine. Anyway, it seemed to be running alright for the 30 minutes I left it idling to run the radiator flush. Meanwhile I put the dash back together and I was getting a pretty positive feeling about things. Turns out that was premature.
I’m sure Risu has ranted about this Toyota part years ago. This is from the rally FX, which I’m sure is the same part # as Risu’s LandCruiser and every other Toyota in creation. Continue reading ‘$3 costs $500’
Spoke too soon about nice unit with minor oddities and problems, the power went out to part of unit in middle of breakfast. Appliances still work. Bagel egg & bacon by LED headlamp.
It’s two for two days this heat index 100 weekend. HFD truck goes up street, followed by EMS, followed by Air 1.
 Waiting for the day there is two in one day. Oh, what’s that, I hear HFD truck deploying as I’m writing this. Ah, no, they’re heading the other way.
Wake up morning of July 4. 2015 to kick off a summer tradition, what’s more traditional around here than a rescue by HFD1 on Koko Crater?
It’s fresh back from servicing too! This time around HFD Air 1 dropped off two personnel through rapel. It’s not the barf bucket today, it’s the puke plank. Looks like whoever the companion was got a ride out too.