Overheard as I was walking to Don Quixote. Two guys were parked on the street curbside parking debating the signs lining the side of the road. Begin 10/9/12 No Parking Anytime. One guy was justifying his parking there by saying it doesn’t specify an end period. Huh? No Parking… Anytime… Begin 10/9/12. Anytime… No Parking… Begin 10/9/12. How much more succinct can you get? It’s these people that would not even understand the Hot Coffee Is Hot warning, which despite all the chiding that McD incident gets, if you look into it I think the suit had validity. This incident however does not.
Archive for the 'rant' Category
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Funny how the current Acura MDX ad says that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, trying to intimate that theirs was the first non-box, non-truck-based crossover SUV. The Toyota Harrier/Lexus RX beat them to the egg-shaped game by three years. The only thing that Honda has an exclusive over is developing SUV’s and a “pickup truck” from a minivan platform. This is like Audi’s “cookie cutter” ad when their Q7 is a badge engineered VW Touareg/Porsche Cayenne. Don’t these kinds of deceptive campaigns belong in the political arena?
(0)It’s been a few weeks so I guess it was due time for another visit by the HFD fly boys. This time a sunrise job thus the difficult lighting for the pics.
For the second time this year, the albizia trees have their branches set heavy with pollen-laden white puffball flowers of death. This second crop of allergens coincides with the blooming of the rose apple trees for added effect.
(0)I bet the irony of a catchphrase coined by white Australians to denigrate Australians of Middle-Eastern ancestry being used by a “local” against mainland visitors is totally lost on the owner of this sticker. It’s amusing that although it pains him that mainlanders from the CONUS come to Hawai’i to “steal his surf”, his Nissan Pathfinder is nonetheless plastered with large stickers advertising for a mainland company from Hood River, Oregon with a pidgin English name, and a Costa Mesa, California company with a faceted jewel-like logo.  If he really hates everything post-Cook so much, he better ditch his Japanese car and Chinese surf trunks and get himself a homegrown Koa surfboard… and learn ‘olelo Hawai’i while he’s at it. Continue reading ‘Lost Irony’
I wonder what demographic I outwardly represent. There were some political canvassers in the neighborhood this afternoon, and they gingerly avoided me while I changed the oil in my car. They were yelling loudly and knocking on the doors of other homes, although few answered. It’s like they were more comfortable leaving flyers rubber-banded to doorknobs than actually talking to people.
(0)Is there such a thing as a #2 Phillips insert bit that isn’t made in the PRC anymore? I still have to check at City Mill and as a last resort Home Despot, but all Sears had were from China, both Craftsman and DeWalt branded ones (they probably all come from the same slave-labor camp). The only thing they had that was not from the PRC in that section were Posidriv bit sets, but those are probably ancient stock, as nobody uses freak bits like those (or 8-point sockets).
(1)Really? HVT transport armored car gets grabbed by a mystery Sea King helo with a giant, dangling claw and NOBODY even mentions trying to track down a helicopter with a giant claw? Anybody? Giant claw? Can you charter that? Now if it was the classic HI5-0 and it was the PRC agent Wo Fat, then maybe the resources of the party could be brought to bear, but if it’s just the local crime boss busting him loose, how’d he mange to rent such an expensive bird and contract someone to fabricate the giant truck-grappling claw? Not sure what the GVW is on a big armored car like that, but the maximum payload for a SH-3 is between 8,000 and 10,000 pounds. I’m kind-of thinking they didn’t get the right helicopter for the job. In any case, I’m glad HI5-0 is back for season three!
(0)Thanks, Teddy’s in Mo’ili’ili. “Fish and Chips” without the fries is just “fish”. Should have known they’d screw up the order when the counter person asked if I’d like fries with my fish and chips. Hello?!?! Angry Ckucke is going to get our $2.49 USD plus tax back.
(2)It’s actually been a few weeks since HFD1 has visited. I missed the previous pic opportunity and didn’t blog it, the victim was lifted out from so low on trail I couldn’t see it. And today as we were under Scat’s sled removing his brake master I hear the familiar whine of HFD1. I guess the guys are getting so much practice they’re so good at this now that by the time I rolled out from under the car and walked out to look, they had this victim in the barf basket and whipped out to landing at the field. Didn’t have time to get my camera so no pics again.