Archive for the 'rant' Category

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Spork Little Fail!

My black Light My Fire Spork Little fell into two pieces today when I was washing it.  It had survived Greek yoghurt and instant Korean spicy noodles earlier in the evening, but couldn’t handle dish detergent and water.  I wasn’t even bending it or twisting it.  It didn’t go “pop” when it failed either - it just released.  Now I’m down to the white one since the avocado green one disappeared almost immediately.  Weak.


Weird.  Saw an old Mitsubishi Montero Sport that someone went through the trouble to rebadge “Nativa” which is what it is sold as in the Middle East and Central America.  That’s even more weird than kids rebadging their USDM E120 Toyota Corollas with Southeast Asia “Altis” badges.


No, Really?!

Am I going to have to start a new category, KC rescues? It is now not an exageration that it is time for HFD1’s weekly visit to Koko Crater!

Ho Hum HFD

Time for HFD1’s weekly visit to Koko Crater…. I’ve seen image elsewhere on net of new sign on the trail. As someone said on that site, they should just put in a helipad on Koko Crater already, not that it would help with the people in the middle of the trail.


Darned RIMPAC RF interference is making my car remote even more buggy than usual!


If I could see this…

It wouldn’t be a problem. On the inside of printer cover.


Not How It Works

Saw a Saturn Ion making a turn off Punchbowl by Restaurant Row.  There was a pedestrian in the crosswalk, but the Saturn driver invoked the “yield to pedestrians in your lane of traffic” rule by driving in the oncoming lane instead!  Sorry, ma’am – that’s not how the law works.


Intentional Disregard for the Law

Had a guy in a Ford Harley Davidson edition pickup truck in back of me in Kaka’ako today.  At every four-way stop, he ghosted me through the intersection after I stopped, yielded to other traffic, and proceeded, without stopping himself.  Even with the traffic with the right of way on the cross streets honking their horns at him, he continued to do this.  He knew the law, but intentionally disregarded it.


Price of Admission?

I think they might have to start charging admission fee for Koko Crater Hike. HFD1 called out yet again today!

Friday Rager – Red is NOT the New Yellow

OK, I try not to go into rants on traffic because it’s pointless and never ending, but I’ll get it all out today, it having been an especially horrid Friday, even though traffic wasn’t that bad. Actually this isn’t about traffic, it’s about idiot drivers. First and foremost, the title of this post. It sure seems people think otherwise though, I had red light runners at two consequtive intersections! My other top peeve that I’m sure I’ve posted before about is, the solution to gridlock is NOT to make your way into the intersection to make sure you don’t have to wait a light cycle since your already in the intersection. Who cares about the traffic backing into the freeway even though the through lane you are blocking is clear for an entire block past you!

Continue reading ‘Friday Rager – Red is NOT the New Yellow’