Archive for the 'rant' Category

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Shirokiya Hawaii Hokkaido Fair

Ooo!  I saw some lightly dried, lightly salted Hokke at Shirokiya’s Hokkaido Fair yesterday.  It wasn’t cheap ($25 USD), but it isn’t common to see outside of Japan.  I would have bought some if it weren’t for the fact that I wasn’t going to be home for several hours, and I didn’t want it to go bad (it was refrigerated).  Root might be interested that they also had Matsumae-zuke (which can be expediently made into Matsutaka-zuke).  I didn’t taste any (either) nor buy any when I was in Matsumae in 2008.


Less Desirable Than Oreo

The new limited filling flavor for the Akimune-an taiyaki is chocolate custard creme.  I don’t want!  Aaa…


Not Oreo Taiyaki

Dammit!  The dude at Akimune-an has to get his ears checked. I don’t know how I can say, “two Oreo and two anko taiyaki, please,” and it gets misconstrued as, “two custard crème and two anko taiyaki, please.”  It sounds nothing alike – not even close.  And it wasn’t like he didn’t hear me because it was too noisy or I wasn’t speaking loud enough or clear enough since he didn’t ask, “what?” or even throw a quizzical eyebrow.  Krapp!  It would be the filling that I object to the most on intuitive levels and had absolutely no intention whatsoever of trying that I end up with.  Since the special flavors rotate on a bi-weekly basis and I saw Oreo advertised last week, with my luck if I go back on Thursday, the flavor will have changed.  If I say that I wasn’t really all that excited about Oreo flavor, someone will call sour grapes.  Truthfully, I wasn’t dying to get some, otherwise I’d have ordered them last week.  It’s being denied them and getting the shitty flavor instead that bothers me more than not actually getting to taste Oreo.  Now I’m sad.

Old fartism

As I watched the honolulu festival parade, I couldn’t help but listen to the asinine banter of the high school/early college aged girl. We’re we that stupid when we were kids?! It wasn’t even a cute kind of ditzy. Stupid with attitude. Yes, she was hot (but awful shoes) but that doesn’t make up for the stupid factor. Makes u worry about the worlds future. Damn I’m a crotchety old fart!
Kiko, at least I know not all kids are like that, your boys are fine. There is still hope!

Insults to injury

Forgot to add the when we finally made it to Salt Lake & picked up our luggage at SLC airport, the top pocket zipper on my Dakine bag was blown open. Gone was my little first aid kit, packet of quick clog, and my tent & goretex patching kit. My board bag also blew out a section of the main zipper but luckily did not fully open, nothing lost from that.
Despite all this, we did make it to Solitude resort & had a good half day of riding. Not the best of conditions, but it was fun. We shall see today!

Surviving the tests

12:45 we are finally at Solitude having trading the Caravan for a Ford Flex AWD. In the parking lot eating 7-11 sandwich.


It just gets better

So here it is1:30am after the 11hr drive, instead of a AWD SUV we have a Dodge Caravan, had a awesome dinner of San Fransisco sourdough with canned Chey Boyardie ravioli and a supermarket brand tomato basil bisque soup, and finally Dave goes to get a much wanted shower when the spigot head falls off. WTF!


Road trip complete

After 11 hr drive we’ve finally made it. Only rental left at Slc is a dodge caravan. It’s starting to snow seriously. Dinner of champs.20120219-005155.jpg

Wake up!

Freakin jarhead in your pickup truck, wake up instead of honking & gesturing as I signal and slow down for my by the books left turn!


Bacon Makes Me Sad?

I heard about the Jack in the Box bacon milkshake in the newspaper yesterday, so it became my mission to try it out. They were running a special on their new BLT cheeseburger, so I got one of those as a meal deal and upgraded to the shake. I guess if I was really out for bacon in everything, I could have swapped out the fries for the bacon cheddar potato wedges. Continue reading ‘Bacon Makes Me Sad?’