Kuso! Just noticed on the revised bus schedule for the 10/11 season that the early season buses from Sapporo to Sapporo Kokusai are running only on Saturdays, Sundays, and National holidays. That means I’m screwed for tomorrow and Friday. I heard that buses to Teine Highland also only run on weekends and National days, although their website only shows the bus schedules for high season. My only recourse may be Onze, but considering the one run of man-made snow they have intermittently open, I may just cut my losses, take the bindings back off the board, pack it back up, and just go hiking instead…
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Yesterday afternoon, the first breaking reports of the arty exchanges between the DPRK and the ROK were all over the news in Japan. Lee Myung Bak is a paper tiger, so he won’t deliberately escalate things, but who knows what the nutballs in the North who believe their own myth will do. If the DPRK launches their nukes at Seoul and Yokosuka, I might not be getting home as expected next week…
(0)Damn Chine tires. So today was the second SCCA Hawaii Rally Cross. Still using the daily driver FX16, the other is not ready yet. It was another blazing ewa day out at Kalealoa, no surprise there, though in the shade the air was cooler. Looks like the track people packed down the oval track area a bit, it was a little firmer and not quite as rough, but eventually it did become rutted in areas. Enough that on my final run, this proudly designed in Taiwan tire debeaded. Silly me, when I went to Sears and asked for cheap tires and they pulled up these Nankang tires, I asked if they were Korean and the sales guy replied affirmative. I didn’t notice until last night when I was hurriedly changing out to the wheels that these were instead “Taiwan Design” Made in China tires. Actually some were marked Made In Taiwan, but one had the Taiwan Design thing going. Damn it, they tricked me! Fortunately airing it with compressor reseated it and I even went for a couple fun runs. And on the drive home they felt just as crappy as on the ride out. Did I rant yet on how crappy these tires drive on the road? Does Taiwan Design mean wiggle like a wet noodle? Continue reading ‘“Taiwan Design”’
Driving home yesterday, I saw a dude in a flourescent work shirt with a Litespeeed Ti road bike several houses down from the Cachola Clinic on Kalihi Street. Nothing screams “stolen bike” more than a road bike that’s the wrong size with the drop handlebars rotated back so the brake levers are beneath the hands!
(0)WTF?! Pearl Highlands has their holiday decorations up already. I took this picture on the 6th of October!
Chikusho! Kuso! WTF?! This is the worst Napoleon’s Apple Napple I’ve ever had! POS! MF-er! There is no apple filling, but there is this sweet, white, grainy stuff inside that tastes suspiciously like coconut… Darned part-timers!
(0)I got home early enough this afternoon to get some bike time in before it got dark. The weather was overcast with a light breeze, but it was still rather hot. I was hoping that getting back into the normal riding routine would possibly help me shake the bronchial spasms that have been bugging me after I got over a cold. Other than a few coughing fits and a touch of a runny nose, my standard training loop went normally. My “seat contact areas†were still sore from this past Sunday’s ride, but I felt back on the game breathing and power-wise. The herd was out today, and again blocked up the works. They were a whirlpool of random movement across the whole width of the roadway. As I passed them head on, riding on the right side of the road as per the standard practices of road traffic in the United States of America, one bikecow just rode toward me on the wrong side of the road with a blank look on her face. Like a deer caught in the headlights, she didn’t yield back onto her side of the road and just stayed directly in front of me, even when I was about a bike length from hitting her head-on. I had to move slightly toward the center of the road to avoid colliding with her. Right-of-way or not, I avoided her as a matter of self-preservation: A collision with her would have definitely resulted in damage to my bike and person. Idiots.
D = 13.15 km (8.17=miles), Vavr = 17.5 km/h (10.9-mph), Vmax = 38.0 km/h (23.6-mph), T = 45-minutes
Seriously, if you don’t have to be anywhere today, stay home. Between the State Holiday and the water main break on Ala Moana Boulevard, it’s like someone unlocked the monkey house and gave each monkey a car key.
(0)Just got home from The Contamporary Museum of Honolulu’s August Moon wine tasting fund raiser at The Edge at the Sheraton Waikiki. I was one of the featured artists at the “Drawn Out” venue table of artists who all donated their time and talents to create artwork on the fly for sale to the attendees to whip up some much needed cash for the museum. Traffic going into Waikiki was horrendous (Saturday? go figure) so I got there a little late (Sorry, Waileia!) – I really should have known better. I managed to draw two pieces – an oni gnawing on a skull, and two nekomimi girls in a box. Both pieces sold almost immediately. Whee! Cade ended up with my last minute scribble “Tio Muerte contra El Prehensilo”, which was not ready for prime time. I am a little curious as to who bought my pieces… Continue reading ‘No Good Deed Goes Unpunished’
I was stuck on the freeway today. No, it wasn’t because it is “back to school” time. No, it wasn’t the accident or stalled vehicle at the bottom of the School Street on-ramp on the other side of the freeway. It was Mr. Pokey in the Sentra who forced his way in front of me from the Like Like on/Vineyard off then dropped down to 25-mph. At least 15 cars took advantage of his 10-second following distance in the few miles I was on the freeway, all the while the traffic in back of him got further and further behind. The other lanes of the freeway were moving at a good clip, so there was no opportunity to pull out and change lanes.