Krap. Got home a little late, took a while to get geared up and out of the house, and talked to my neighbor about my November JAL ticket, so it was already quite dark when I finally rolled at 17:55. The skies were overcast, but aside from a few random drops, no rain fell. I figured this would be a short ride one way or another, so I did some interval sprints and stand climbs to peg the heartrate and get a burn going. The high humidity helped generate an immediate heavy sweat. After my third lap, I saw a wall of grey coming in over the bay from MCBH, so I cut it short and headed home before the squall hit.
D = 11.36 km (7.06-miles), Vavr = 19.8 km/h (12.3-mph), Vmax = 43.3 km/h (26.9-mph), T = 34-minutes