Archive for the 'rant' Category

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Lipstick on a Pig

Finally saw a Hyundai Genesis sedan last week.  Up until now, I’ve only seen it on Korean dramas and in print ads.  Hyundai is trying to place this car amongst similarly sized upmarket rear-wheel-drive premium sedans, but after seeing a silver example of this vehicle, my impression is, “it’s big, but it’s still a Hyundai”.  The paint finish is not at the premium level, nor is the chrome trim.  Design-wise, there are a lot of unresolved lines and curves like where the rear windscreen meets the adjacent metal, and the edge of the boot lid and the associated panel lines.  I’m still waiting for the Federal Government to slap them with dumping for selling this car for $25K USD less than what it costs on the KDM.


Of Course I’m Going Straight – I’m In the Left Lane, Right?

Nice to see all the krappy drivers back in Hawaii.  On my way home on the day I got back from Japan, I was in the center-right lane of Alapai by the police station turning onto Beretania when a maroon Camry went speeding by in the center-left lane and went straight up Alapai!  Today, I was going down Lagoon in the second left lane to turn left onto Nimitz.  There was a big-ass Lexus tailgating me all the way down from Tripler, constantly poking her nose out into the turning lane so she could try seeing around me.  At the intersection when I got into the right of the two turning lanes, she went into the far left lane.  As I turned left onto Nimitz, I could see her flash by in back of me going straight down Lagoon Drive diagonally across two lanes!  Good job poeple!


Do as I Say…

Guess this is a case for “Do as I say, not as I do.” Driving along a compact “SUV” with the  Eh, Slow Down, this Ain’t the Mainland bumper sticker doing 65 in a 45 mph zone. Perhaps not entirely fair since no one actually does 45 on that stretch of ewa bound H-1 before University, but still excessive as it darted between lanes.


Bad Movies

Cooped up at home working on artwork for an upcoming show, I was subjected to two bad “straight to TV” films shot at Kualoa Ranch on SyFyHeatstroke with Danica McKellar and Aztec Rex (aka Tyrannosaurus Azteca) with Dichen Lachman. Both were bad digital dinosaur/monster films, the latter having the most laughable scenic props, including an Aztec sacrificial altar obviously made of plywood with rocks painted on!


Mangle-Munch Punjis of Death

The State has been using a tractor with a side-mounted arm with a PTO or hydraulically driven cutter to “groom” the sides of the Like Like Highway instead of using the normal compliment of workers with appropriate cutting tools. The result is a section from ground level up to about 3 meters that is covered with jagged, broken branches and splintered knee-high stumps. Anyone unlucky enough to encounter these would be instantly impaled. Good job!


Walk the Walk

I saw a negative reaction to some students burning a star cut from an American flag in the Honolulu Advertiser Letters to the Editor this morning. This act was meant as a protest to the anniversary of Statehood, but was typical in its half-baked execution, which is in turn typical of the ignorant mentality of certain native rights/sovereignity groups. Immediately popping to mind was a memory of television news footage from the early days of the Makua valley controversy of a man in glasses climbing out of his brand new Subaru saying, “We don’t accept the White man’s laws. We don’t accept the White man’s ways.” Really? Where’s your malo? Explain your glasses and car. If these students were really advocating a return to pre-contact ways, they darned-well had better be ready to cut out the star with an obsidian or shark-tooth implement and start the fire with hau branches – made in PRC Fiskars and the BIC lighter don’t cut it! If you’re going to talk the talk, you have to walk the walk… unless you’re just a fake or poser.



Chris and I discussed this on our seperate drives home almost a month ago, but with the impending doom of Felicia and getting sick, I neglected to blog about it. On my way to meet the guys up at St. Louis is when I usually see all kinds of freakish and stupid krapp, usually along King Street. On the way to the last ride, I saw this fixie dude ride past with a black and white fur sporran on his drive-side hip! WTF?! I guess he needed somewhere to put his pocket goods, since there was no way to actually use the pockets in his unnaturally tight, pencil-legged, fashionably faded black jeans.

Invasive Species

IMG_0143Last monday thoughts turned to riding St. Louis. After the recent rains followed by clear weather, figured conditions would be prime. Ckucky and JT having time on their hands had already done two Dumps runs by the time I got to the park. I’d passed one guy on a cross country rig on the road up, just a precursor of things to come. By the time I geared up and the guys were roused from their lounging on a park bench, this guy had rolled through the parking and continued up into the park. Continue reading ‘Invasive Species’

SAE Is Not Your Friend

Turner_dropoutWTF?! While working on JT’s Turner Five Spot, I discovered that the screws that hold the derailleur hanger on are SAE – at least the heads don’t fit metric hex keys. 3mm was too big, and 2.5 was almost spinning – 7/64”? It would suck to have to change the hanger on the trail and not have the correct hex key because it isn’t represented on a bike-specific multi tool or metric hex key set.


Not sure what some people are thinking sometimes.

Like jelly-roll cottage-cheese-thigh uber-woman going slow on her beer-rack-commuter-bike in the left-most lane of King Street, blocking everyone trying to make left turns, wallowing from intersection to intersection, causing the same problem at each junction.  What happened to “bikes on the right”?  I guess at some point (maybe as far down as University), she has to make a left turn, so she had might as well be in that lane from the get-go.  Just like all those people going slow up the left lane of Like Like in Kaneohe because they eventually have to turn left on School.

How about the driver of a white Nissan pickup truck with surfboard loops going up St. Louis drive crossing into the oncoming lanes on the turns because she was too lazy to turn the steering wheel more than a half-turn.  She made no concessions to oncoming traffic, forcing them to slow down to accomodate her.  What happened to staying in one’s own lane?  Too much trouble?  Some dumb excuse like it causes excessive wear to the tires and steering parts?  Can’t be bothered?  So self-centered that she feels that the rights of others pale in comparison to hers?  It’s like all those people who pull left into the oncoming lane of traffic when making right turns. 

I guess the problem lies in assuming people are actually thinking.