Archive for the 'rant' Category

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With the soon to come cell phone ban during driving, we’ve been talking about the other stupid things we’ve seen people doing while driving. I’ve seen someone reading a news paper, someone curling eyelashes, Risu witnessed someone eating a bowl of cereal. About a week ago I saw someone trimming his toenails! So what about all these people?


Second Burn

Taro, it’s all your fault! Bastard!


Bigfoot Stink

It’s been a while since we hit St. Louis after work on Monday. Other commitments, weird weather, or holidays conspired against us since the strawberry guavas were ripe. The unseasonably hot, windless weather dehydrated the guavas on the tree before they could even fall off and rot! I got there early, but Kevyn beat me there since he lives just down the hill. Ckucke and JT showed up and we all geared up. Some time later, Root rolled in and we got started. We decided on Dumps, since we hadn’t gone that way in a while. The conditions were awesome, and the surface recently groomed. Lots of the annoying roots were gone, but there were a couple of low overhead obstacles to look lout for. We went through the stunt garden but bypassed lower Dumps and sortied up to the inner loop and crossed over to mainline and went back up to the jumps. Continue reading ‘Bigfoot Stink’

Like Like Rescue?

likelike_20090603_1likelike_20090603_2Wonder what this was all about?  It’s not on the local print or TV news sites yet.  Half-a-dozen HPD units, HFD ladder and Rescue unit, and the HFD NOTAR responding.  Someone fell or drowned at the outlaw Kalihi swimming hole?  I was stuck in traffic for a while, but it was gloomy on the Windward side, so I wasn’t going riding anyway.


The AE86 Corolla has a cracked manifold (like almost every other stock one) and it was causing me to catch some buzz when I drove it around last Saturday. So I decided to attempt to weld the hunk of cast iron. I’d done it before for practice on a different cracked manifold, and it’ll be a good test of the new fancy electro helmet! First things first, I have to take it out. No problem, I figured, having done it number of times with the FX. Pulled out the trusty can of Kroil and gave all the nuts and bolts a good squirt. Fzzzt…. Ooops, there goes the last of the propelant. Oh yeah, RWD layout is different. Fortunately they all are pretty loose (although makes me wonder about others), except one nut on the backside of the manifold to downpipe junction. It’s a long stud so requires a deep socket, but is angled in such a way that the socket can’t fit on it. WTF? Toyota is usually pretty good about not designing things like this. And there is too much stuff all round to fit a open end in. Eventually undoing all the rest, wiggling things around, I barely fit a wrench in there, and again it’s loose so after much contorting get it out. Took much longer than expected, too late to grind and weld, oh well, guess I’ll have a beer. Prob gonna have to disconnect the steering shaft when I reinstall, what a PIA.

I Don’t Want!

Kuso! I spilled my Pils! F!


He’s a Demon for Chrissakes!

Saw a semi-homeless Taurus wagon today with a SD Inuyasha sticker on the rear windscreen above diecuts that read: “It’s not what man thinks, but what God says that matters”. You realize that the little character you think is so cute/macho/dreamy/etc. IS AN EFFING DEMON, right? You realize that this “annie may” character was created from ideas from a non-Christian culture, and the mere suggestion of his existence is tantamount to blasphemy in your religion, right? How does that sit in your stomach now? From the junk level inside the car, this is not a young person – probably one of the scary, obsessive, older fangirls that creep me out when I go to anime conventions. Probably Costco-sized too… Yeah, I went there.


Stay off the Streets!

I thought back-up sensors on a Mini Cooper was bad. Today at Costco HK I saw a new Mazda CX-7 with FRONT sensors! If you can’t see what’s effing in front of you, YOU PROBABLY SHOULDN’T BE DRIVING!



Forget “TGIF”! I’m thinking “TBIIAS” (Too Bad It Isn’t Already Saturday). Yes, my glass is half empty.


Pos(t)er Boy

Great – first it was Dirty Jobs host Mike Rowe doing Ford F-series truck ads, now it’s Man vs. Wild host Bear Grylls doing Post Trail Mix Crunch cereal ads! Can you say “sell-out”?
