OK, my old Moto Razr though the original battery was still going strong, I finally decided to retire it after subjecting all my friends with its horrible electrical noise issues. I’d been looking at the iPhone for a while and popped into the bastion of oshare computing, the Apple store. Long lost Roy “Krauser” was there so I bugged him about the phone, among other things. Ended up going for it and picking up the 8G model. Continue reading ‘I Phone?’
Archive for the 'rant' Category
Page 45 of 54
Where does Aunty Linda get the audacity to attempt to downplay Barry’s connection to Hawai’i? He was born here and spent the formative years of his youth here for crying out loud! She was just the opposite, arriving as an immigrant from the contiguous 48 after graduating from college.
Give me a break!
And what of the fact that she’s off lame-ducking it on the mainland on some party-sponsored junket while her adopted home state faces critical economic issues? Nero’s off playing the lyre as Rome burns…
Sorry – no. This manapua is raw, and nobody has any idea what to fill it with. At least with electric trains, there is the possibility of using any of a variety of renewable sources of energy, many of which can be fairly quickly implemented here. This ridiculous BRT idea relies on diesel, which is not specifically a bad thing – in fact diesel is probably the way things will have to be in the near future – but with the insistance of the current powers-that-be to race headlong down the dead-end street of E10 and E85 because of the Corn Lobby, development of biodiesel technology will be delayed about 10-years in the USA.
Once again, everyone who thinks BRT or Lexus lanes will solve the problem forgets the most important caveat: Where the F do you plan on putting all those cars and buses once you get them into downtown?
After hooking the HDD up to Fabio’s magic emergency salvage wire harness, we determined that the issue was probably not the drive itself. It spun up and all the files could be accessed. I did a brief search online, and the “failure to boot” (heck, it didn’t even reach the startup screen!) issue in Toshiba Laptops was generally attributed to the power side – in particular, a bad connection between the power board and motherboard in machines with these separate, or a bad motherboard in machines with these functions integrated. Mine was the latter. I happened to drop by the repair facility’s website having not heard from them yet, and I found the above service information. Wow. That can’t be good…Â Do Intel Core 2 Duo’s just go like that?
Kuso! During lunch, I was prepping stuff to upload to the blog and my laptop suddenly locked up – like the cursor didn’t move, I couldn’t launch the task manager, and I couldn’t shut down! Eventually, a long press on the power button shut it down, but after that it wouldn’t restart. The power light would come on, there would be silence when the HDD should be spinning up, then the DVD drive would seek and the power light would go off. Krap! I’ll try and power up the drive outside the machine and read from it to see if it is really toast. Luckily it is still under warranty, and the authorized Toshiba service center is right down the street from work! I’m reasonably AR about backing shit up, so I think I only lost an MP3 that i just encoded last week, maybe an Excel file… oops!
Found an appropriate 7/16″ (11mm) inside e-clip at City Mill on Wednesday morning, so I was able to reassemble the master cylinder with no problems on Thursday. Everything just snapped together nicely. The brake channel bled fine on the first go, and everything went back on the bike with no trouble. Hooray! I even had enough time leftover to true the wheels on the Moment and switch out to winter tires! Nama-biiru at Koh-no-tori here I come!
The picture speaks for itself. It appears to be a water main replacement project along Farrington Highway in Nanakuli. It’s not supposed to be doing that, is it? There is another backhoe there on the other side of the plume of water.
Tuesday really didn’t start out as a bad day – it was a normal, non-descript, plain day: Nothing really good happened, but neither did anything really terrible happen. After finishing up at “real†work, I headed over to McBike. The traffic was average too. When I got in and went down to the Pit, I saw Kevyn’s Santa Cruz there. He had joined us on Sunday for an afternoon Maunawili ride, and the master cylinder on the front Hayes brake got blown-up on a crash on the Drop-in of Death. I put the bike in the workstand and took the front brake channel off and started taking it apart. I figured it would be just a case of straightening out the mangled e-clip that holds the works together, reassemble, and re-bleed the system. Of course, nothing goes as planned… Continue reading ‘E-clip Gnomes: Hayes Mag Lever Rebuild’
I was at Kuakini Medical Center the other day, and passed the bulletin board where they have rotating displays. It was employee photo contest time, so I slowed down to take a look. This was the second round of pictures. There are often some interesting travel shots, and on rare occasion, a fascinating composition or impressive technical work. This time around, the picture of an older, rounder fellow riding an Ellsworth Truth down a rock face caught my attention. I immediately recognized the location as the angled boulder face along the climb-out after the boulder garden on the Ditch inner loop. It was an unremarkable shot, and the title was like some tagline straight out of the Ellsworth catalogue. The roll-in itself isn’t scary-technical (ride the mystery drop-in for scary), but I’m sure it was enjoyable for the rider. I momentarily thought, “WTF – it’s some old fat guy on an Ellsworth at Ditch,” before realizing, that’s like a third of our riding group including myself! Okay, Root’s not fat. Well, glad to see yet another Ellsworth out at Ditch, in addition to the Toyota truck guy and us three.
The scammers never rest. Got a postcard in mail emblazoned with large alarmist words in red band, FINAL NOTICE, Factory Warranty Expiration. Yeah right! Exqueeze me, all my vehicles are at least 20 years old! Quick search on internet reveals numerous hits on these people being sleazbag scammers. Thing is, they’re making money, otherwise they wouldn’t be doing this. And honestly I can see some people being taken in with this. Anyway, be warned.