Monday, 26 May 2014
Like clockwork, rainy weather rolled in for the long weekend. With the prospects for a ride all but gone, when Memorial Day Monday rolled around, a hike was decided on. Chris and I met at Root’s then we headed over to Koko Head district park, then up past the rifle range to the entrance of Hanauma Bay. We hiked the ridge road, following a large group of beachgoing visitors. They turned down a side trail assumedly to a bus stop and we continued up to the turnoff to the point. Descdending along the rim of the first explosion crater, we passed Mojo Dave’s best customer, all decked out in Vertx with an Eberlestock pack. I asked him how long he had been out there, assuming from the size of his loadout he had been there at least overnight, but he said he was there only a couple of hours. My knee was fine on the climb up. but this descent was starting to cause discomfort. Continue reading ‘In Memoriam of My Knee’