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Pizza redemption

  recently opened at Koko marina Sophie’s pizzeria. After my experience with Pieology in Aina Haina been hankering for some decent pizza. Was a bit dubious as this has a somewhat similar Subway style counter ordering. It isn’t unlimited choice for single price though. They have a neat Italian dough squishing machine that produces the thin crust for the pizza. Takes the skill out of it, but also ensures consistency. 

I went with traditional crust with house sauce, ricotta cheese, sundried tomato, spinach & Italian meatballs. Tossed into yet another Italian device, stone oven with spinning base. In a few minutes, delivered to my table was a 10″ pizza with a proper crisp crust, flavor not overpowering, and not feeling like a bloated sodium fest.

At a similar price point, if you were going quantity over quality then they lose, but if you want a good pizza that you can finish and not feel bogged down the rest of the day, Sophie’s wins hands down.

Solid 3 out 4 Italian pie monkeys. 

Beer Is Good – Sam Adams Belgian Session

P1060568From summer variety pack, pours clear medium amber with medium head. Interesting initial aroma and flavor of fruit and spice. Citrus notes and mild hops bitter in the middle that tapers pretty quickly. While there’s some mouthfeel, it finishes clean with some grain flavor just peeking in.

I am quite enjoying this beer!

3+ out of 4 sessioning monkeys.



Beer Is Good – Sam Adams Heaven or Helles

P1060558In the summer variety pack, this season helles. Pours clear bright yellow with small head. Floral and slight fruity hop aroma, but not overwhelming. Even bitter through the middle that tapers leaving a clean finish and occasional hints of lingering grain. Crisp mouthfeel.

Nice clean drinking beer, solid 3 out 4 blonde monkeys.



Beer Is Good – Sam Adams Whitewater IPA

P1060557Yes I know, its an IPA, a weissen IPA. Part of the summer variety pack. Pours slightly cloudy yellow with pretty strong head. Could smell the floral hop when I cracked the cap. Lifting the glass could also smell the hops, a bit of mango, a hint of phenolic. Citrus notes, fairly heavy bitter throughout. Thankfully no skunk, I can actually tolerate this rendition of an IPA. But I won’t be selecting this over other beers.

2 out 4 white IPA monkeys.


Does that Go with Chicken Gunya?

P1060536Making an appearance at Marukai when I first noticed was a sign for these eggs. “Waimana TKG”. You know that sounds like a disease like chikungunya sounds like a yummy ethnic food. These are locally grown using Japanese feed method to give it the strong orange color. And in this day and age they’re being pretty gutsy to market these as appropriate for Tamago Kake Gogan. Hot rice topped with raw egg, add desired condiments, mix em up, grind! It’s been decades since I’ve done that! They label it with two dates, a best by that designates ok for raw usage, and a use date that is in line with conventional egg dating.

They seem to be a small operation so supply does run out. But they seem to have gotten production up as I’ve seen it also at Don Quixote now. It costs about a dollar more for a dozen than the usual, but I think it’s worth it for the additional freshness that you can see. And that color!

Where has All the Gluten Gone?

Decided to try out Pieology in Aina Haina today. Waiting in line to order, read the fine print on the wall posters describing the choices. The footnote for the gluten free crust, they do not recommend the gluten free crust for those who have celiac disease, for those who have a real reason for it. So really, it’s a marketing ploy.

Oh, and how was the pizza? The concept does encourage overloading, but I went with a house sauce pizza w/mozzarella & bit of parmesan, pepperoni, olives, basil, roasted red pepper and it still came out a soggy floppy crust. Just the amount of cheese they use guarantees it. Honestly, the crust makes half the pizza. Toppings if using quality sources isn’t going to vary much between places. Once you get past the novelty of the Subway style ordering, is it worth $11 for a 11″ pizza? I dunno. If I’m going to load myself with the amount of sodium I detect, I’d rather it be a good pizza. If I want a floppy pizza, I’d rather get Boston’s dirtbag closing time specials. The crust may be floppy, but it does still have some character and flavor.

Sorry guys, I’ll give you more than one, but not two out of four floppy salty monkeys.

Beer Is Good – Sam Adams Nitro White Ale

P1060516Part of Sam Adams nitro project, a white ale with nitrogen widget in can that provides the thick creamy head. Pours cloudy dark yellow with huge head. Unlike CO2, nitrogen does not dissolve into solution so doesn’t make conventional carbonation. It does create a head with superfine bubbles. It also doesn’t give the carbonation bite, thus there still is some conventional carbonation. Citrus and spice aroma. Smooth even hop bitter. Fairly thick mouthfeel.

If you’re a fan of spicy wises beer, this is well worth checking out. Solid 3 out 4 nitro monkeys.

Beer Is Good – Sierra Nevada 2016 Summerfest

DSC_6293Current seasonal, pours clear bright yellow, medium head that dissipates. Citrus aroma, crisp hops with a bit of the bitter that comes on in the middle but does not linger. Followed by subtle grain. Light mouthfeel with fairly strong carbonation lives up to the labeling of a crisp lager.

This is an easy drinker and doesn’t seem too high ABV. Solid 3 out 4 summer monkeys.

Beer Is Good – New Belgium Fat Tire Amber Ale

P1060292Showing up at stores are beers from New Belgium. I think this is the only one that is not some iteration of an IPA. Pours clear medium amber with light head. Hop and roast malt aroma and bitterness, but not overwhelming. Nice grain finish. Medium mouthfeel.

Solid 3 of 4 fat monkeys.

Beer Is Good – Ballast Point Longfin Lager

Does this mean if it’s NOT an IPA I’ll buy it? Almost. This pours a clear yellow with medium head that dissipates. Touch of mango in the aroma, but not too citrusy. The hops are there, but being in a can, no danger of light struck skunk. Bitterness of the hops carries through the middle, hint of grain, then a pretty clean finish. Light mouthfeel.

Perhaps a bit hops forward, but a pleasant beer. This makes it to 3 longfinned monkeys.