Archive for the 'Review' Category

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SLC Reviews & Dirt Bag Tips

OK, it’s been a month and I figure I should talk about some of the stuff from our latest Salt Lake City, Utah snow trip. Guess I should start off with this image. What’s going on here? It’s for what we have come to call the MJ gloves.

Seirus Therma-Lux Heat Pocket Liner Gloves

For years I’ve been using a pair of polypro stretch gloves I picked up at a convenience store in Japan under my main snowboarding gloves. Reason being is that I often have to take off gloves to work my camera gear, but without any type of covering the hands quickly get frozen. Liners that come with gloves are warm, but too bulky and/or too loose fitting so don’t stay on hands. My Japan liners started to get a bit ratty with holes starting to appear, so I got a pair of USA made wool stretch gloves that work well too. On our latest trip spotted these liners in REI. Yes, the universal intial reaction was, “oooo, shiny!”  This model was touted as this companies warmest, with the metalized gold fibers woven in supposedly spreading and reflecting warmth back to the user. It features a pocket on the back of the hand to slip a chemical hand warmer pad too. Continue reading ‘SLC Reviews & Dirt Bag Tips’

Beer Is Good – usually – Samuel Adams Cranberry Lambic

Image upload currently broken – Ok, I’m not a big fan of flavored malt beverages, but my mind has been broadened by having Hoegarten as one of my faves. I was heding quite a bit on this season but finally decided to take a chance. Pours a cloudy medium dark rose, fairly strong head. Cranberry aroma and tang is strong. Mouth feel is pretty syrupy, strong carbonation clears some of that. But that sour, it just doesn’t do it for me. This is going to be a chore finishing this sixer. 1 out of 4 berry monkeys. Note that I did finish drinking the bottle though.

2011 Fall Season Anime

This new season has been pretty spare – even more so than last season. Here’s a brief rundown of the shows that made it past the cursory filtering that we actually bothered to watch: Continue reading ‘2011 Fall Season Anime’

Beer Is Good – SA Harvest Collection – Harvest Pumpkin Ale

The other beer unique to this collection is the Pumpkin Ale. Pours a medium dark orange with medium head that persists. I’m not sure about the blurb on label of subtle pumpkin and spice, you can smell it as soon as you lift the glass and bring it up for a quaff, pumpkin pie, right there between the eye! And this is with Mr. stuffy sinus! So yes, there is a good amount of spice aroma. Nice moderated bitter and a slightly astringent finish. A moderately heavy mouthfeel which is brightened by the carbonation that stays. I haven’t had the greatest experience with previous pumpkin beers, but I like this one. Perhaps Hoegarten has made me more receptive to spiced beers? Anyway, I figure since I’m being boring and doing nothing tonight, might as well do something fitting the occasion. 3 out of 4 spooky monkeys.

Beer Is Good – Sam Adams Harvest Collection – Bonfire Rauchbier

Pours medium amber with medium head. Carbonation is not very strong. A medium mouthfeel, accentuated by the weak carbonation. The roasting has made for an interesting beer. It doesn’t have an immediately identifyable roasted taste, it almost tastes of spice.  I’m rather enjoying this, it almost reminds me of a Scotch with its aromas. I’m enjoying it even though it has now gone almost completely flat. I like this variety pack, we like fall. Included in the pack that I’ve already had is the Sam Adams Boston Lager, Oktoberfest, Black Lager, and Irish Red.  I will review later the last flavor of this collection. The Rauchbier gets a solid 3 out of four hearty monkeys, and might even score a 4 if on my second bottle I still feel the same!

Beer Is Good – Becks Oktoberfest

Beck’s entry into the Oktoberfest fray. A medium amber, pours with a strong head that does not persist too long. There’s a fair amount of bitter, hint of roasty, but barely. Mouthfeel is medium thick. Oddly I quite liked it when I first bought it, but my smell for some reason has cleared a little the past day and I’m not enjoying it as much tonight. Perhaps the hops is coming on stronger now, although I don’t really detect floweryness.  Funny because I’m down to my last one!  I’ll have to go middle of the road and give it a 2 out 4 oompa monkeys, although when I started I would have given it more. Weird.

Mmm… Cupcakes…

Squirreled one of these at the office.  What a nostalgic flavor… in a good way (unlike a Twinkie, although the white krapp inside is the same).

Four Years to Failure

Last Sunday’s Kamilo’iki hike opened up a failure point on my old Danner 453 boots.  On one of the stairstep descents, the rough lava rock grabbed the rubber outsole at the heel and tore it loose.  They’re almost exactly 4 years old, so that’s a pretty good service life I’ve gotten out of them.  The outsole at the heels are worn flat, and the EVA midsole is packed out, but until this event there was no impending sign that the outsole or midsole was going to delaminate or worse yet crumble to powder.  The outsole was still soft and grippy – it hadn’t hardened slick and begun to crack.  I defenitely got my money’s worth out of these, unlike my previous two pairs of Salomons that failed prematurely for one reason or another.  I guess I could try reglueing the loose flap, but it’s time to retire these with dignity.  Wonder what I’ll get to replace them?

Beer Is Good – Samuel Adams Oktoberfest

Sam Adam’s entry into the seasonal. Pours a medium dark red brown with moderate head that quickly dissapears.  Carbonation is not that strong. Bit of roastyness, nicely moderated bitter. Pretty clean with just a bit of heavier mouth. I’m not sure which Oktoberfest I prefer, the Sam Adams does lose its carbonation rather fast. 3 out of 4 Otkobering monkeys.

Beer Is Good – Widmer Brothers Okto Festival Ale

Widber Brothers’ seasonal appropriately enough is the Okto this October 1st. Pours medium dark red brown with moderately strong head that quickly dissapates.  Carbonation is not too strong. My nose is once again really plugged up so I can’t get the aromas too well, a bit of smoky and nuttyness. Medium smooth mouthfeel, a nice moderated bitter. Nicely drinkable. I’m glad autumn is here. 3 out of four Oktoberfestive monkeys.