Archive for the 'Review' Category

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Beer Is Good – Kizakura “Flavor of Sake Brewery” (Kura no kaori)

p1060992The last of the Kizakura brews I’m trying ends up being one of the first the company made. Kizakura us actually a sake brewery, so I guess it shouldn’t be a shock to see that this beer is brewed using sake yeast. That claims to give it a more sake flavor. Pours a light cloudy amber with light head. No really strong aroma, there is a fair amount of tang that come to the brink of being sour. This has ended up being quite a light beer, light in body and taste. While not horrible, not one of the more interesting brews.

2 out of 4 sake brewery monkeys.

Beer Is Good – Anchor Porter

p1060991Usually see Anchor Steam so when I came across this at Foodland, had to get it. Pours black, heavy head. Roast malt aroma, but not smokey. Balanced hop gives it some bitter, but well moderated. Medium thick mouthfeel. Gets better as it warms. Am I just too happy to find a nice dark?

3 out 4 dark monkeys.


Patagonia Black Hole Snow Roller 167

p1060987OK, I know everyone calls it Patagucci, but I have to admit that the Patagonia clothing I have is well made and is worth what I paid. I’ve been looking for a snowboard bag with wheels and this came up. Even at discount, still some good chunk of change. But it is well constructed, heavy hypolon like material, padded panels on all sides, stiff plastic sheet on lower third where wheels are does allow bag to be folded in half when empty. Continue reading ‘Patagonia Black Hole Snow Roller 167’

Beer Is Good – Sierra Nevada Porter

p1060979Another dark from Sierra Nevada. Pours a extremely dark brown, medium strong head. Smokey aroma that definitely comes out as a dark roast initial flavor. Hops is more subdued than the stout and keeps the bitter note throughout not too strong but constant and lingering. You better like dark roast coffee. Medium thick mouthfeel, the carbonation getting quickly soft keeps the feel fairly heavy.

3 out 4 dark roast monkeys.


Beer Is Good – Sam Adams Cherry Wheat

p1060978Okay, I know I’m not big on beers with funky flavoring, but I’m willing to bend. It’s fall, I figure this kinda goes with the season. Pours with a medium strong head, cloudy light yellow. Unmistakeable cherry aroma and initial flavor. Bright crisp tang, wheat finish. Medium mouthfeel.

I almost hate to admit, I’m enjoying this. 3 out 4 cherry monkeys.



Your name, 君の名は

Got a chance to see this anime film the the HIFF tonight, it was their closing film. This is currently a huge blockbuster in Japan. It’s been sitting at #1 at Japan theaters since it opened over 2 months ago, only briefly being knocked down the other week but back at #1. Last I looked it sits at #7 of all time grossing film at Japan theaters, foreign or domestic. And no, it’s not a Miyazaki film, who holds the #1 spot with Spirited Away, it’s a Maokoto Shinkai film. The man who started in video games and many of his works were one man shows, producer/director/animator/voice and done on his Mac. I’ve seen most of his other anime. Visually stunning, he’s king of deeply saturated atmospheric visuals.

It’s late and I’m tired, so for know lets say I give it 4 out 4 separation anxiety monkeys. It’s got its flaws, but its a gorgeous engaging film if you’re not looking for a action splitting kind of thing. I’ll write more later, it was worth the price of admission.

Beer Is Good – Kizakura Kuromame Ale

p1060729Another of the non-normal brews from Kizakura. Pours a cloudy medium amber, medium head. Definite aroma and taste of the roasted black bean. Crisp brightness middle to a mild bitter finish. Light mouthfeel.

Aside from the black bean, there isn’t a whole lot else going on with this beer, I’ll give it barely  3 out of 4 mame monkeys.



Beer Is Good – Kizakura Yamadanishiki Ale

p1060726I’ve been staying away from their less traditional varieties, decided to try this one which is probably the least unusual saying it uses rice but still yeast. Pours medium yellow, slightly cloudy especially if you swirl the last bit. Medium head. Mild hops aroma, mild bitter. Touch of citrus note, grain notes in finish. Pretty light mouthfeel.

A little undecided how to rate this beer, I guess I’ll give it 3 out 4 ricey monkeys, although I don’t think itquite rates it.


Beer Is Good – Sam Adams Hoppy Red

p1060714Last variety in the pack, Hoppy Red. Can’t say I was looking forward to this. Pours deep amber medium head. Pine hoppy aroma. Bitter, A bit of roasted malt, lingering bitter finish. Medium mouth feel.

I’ll finish the beer, but I can’t say I really like drinking pine cones.

2 out 4 piney monkeys.

Beer Is Good – Ballast Point Black Marlin Porter

p1060712Hey, it’s a Ballast Point that’s not an IPA! Unfortunately I didn’t read the subtext, “hop forward porter.” And that is exactly what this is. Pours a extremely dark brown, basically black, strong head. Hop aroma and bitter, with dark roast porter. Medium thick mouthfeel.

I find its not horrible, but I’d like it much better with less hops. I have to give it 2 of 4 dark hoppy monkeys. If you like hops, then you might like this, but you need to like porters.