Thanks to everyone who came out to the Honolulu Museum of Art to support the Museum and the Hawaii art community! I was engaged in creation (though at times fruitlessly), so I didn’t get to talk to many of you, but I enjoyed meeting those of you who I had the brief lucid moments to converse with. Thanks to you who bought my pieces! Hopefully we’ll meet again next year!
Archive for the 'Site' Category
Hey, it’s that time again. If you arrived from the August Moon page, click here to go and see my gallery. It is currently being redone, so there isn’t a whole lot there at the moment, but I’ll be steadily adding things, so check back time to time. If you have any questions, leave a comment on this post!
This is a test post. Please ignore it as if it doesn’t exist. Don’t worry about things too much.
If you arrived here from the Honolulu Academy of Arts August Moon event page, take a look here, or browse on the “art” category. Thanks!
Hope last year went well for everyone out there, and that this year goes even better!
I’ve been working on the 2010 SNM wallpaper image, but I don’t have it finished yet. Hopefully I can get it done before I fly up to Vancouver next week, but I still have some snowboard repairs, waxing, packing and some household plumbing tasks to perform, so keep your fingers crossed! It’s quite wonderful, and distinct from last year’s one.
In the meantime, ride safe, and I’ll see you out there in the snow and on the trails!
Hmm… For some reason, I’m not convinced this is a real Royal Palm tree. The fake Norfolk Island pine tree in Kalihi valley is a lot more realistic: If I didn’t see them putting it up, I might not have noticed it was a cellular telephone antenna tower.
This month’s contest is to identify the location of this specific fake tree. Again, give us the specific longitude and latitude. If there are several near guesses, the closest one as determined by a field GPS measurement will take the prize. Just register and post your guess as a comment on this thread to enter!
This month’s prize is a white SNM tee shirt with this image on the front. Large or medium size is available.
Again, if you’re outside of the United States, delivery of the prize may be an issue, so you may receive only the recognition of your alpha-geekdom. Contest rules and prizes subject to change.
Contest ends Monday, 30 November 2009.
Where is this? …specifically, where is the white horse? The first person to give me the correct lattitude and longitude and win a potentially fabulous prize! To enter, register and add a comment to this post with your guess and I’ll tell you if you’re right!
This month’s prize is a foliage green Fastex Grimloc. If you win and are outside the USA, there might be some issue in getting this to you, so you may just win recognition of your weird knowledge!
Contest ends 31 October 2009. Contest terms subject to change.
Okay, the end of the month has come, and many of you were within the correct area, but nobody nailed the precise location. Fabio even spent part of his day driving around the area looking for the white horse! I figured the golfers amongst you would have had the best chance of seeing it, since it is just off the back section of the West Loch muni golf course behind HMC West. Here are the longitude and lattitude coordinates of the horse: 21.370707,-158.031708
Thanks to everyone who participated!
You really don’t have to read this post… Continue reading ‘I am the Spam Magnet’
So I’ve started moving some things around from the old site, and created a new blog thing-a-ma-bob on the banner menu which I’ve named goodies. A lot of snm extras will find their way in there eventually. First up is oni’s collection of email back to us during his tenure as a JET office guy in Okinawa originally titled Our Man In Japan. Going back to these emails really brought back some fond memories of those times.
Incidentally, it was recently OniSpawn’s first birthday.  Congratulations!
Look forward to more goodies as I get to them!
While I was setting this all up I accidentally did a computerwide search on the term “goodies”, and it came back with this little gem! I had forgotten all about this.
All the more reason to beware of guys with snowdecks (AHEM, risu…..)