it seems like chainring spacers are some kind of mystical vintage part. I’ve asked at almost every shop in whistler with a service department. Quite a few didn’t even know what it was and couldn’t comprehend what I wanted to do. Finally found some at Fanatyk Co but only ancient crusty mechanics know about these and they have poor eyesight or something. I asked for 3mm and he even used a ruler, he scrounged up 4mms.
(0)Archive for the 'SUAR' Category
Just saw Penzoil add on TV, closing line is synthetic oil, made from natural gas. Trying to have your cake & eat it?
(0)Sorry, Dook.
You can’t “humbly” ask for my vote this morning after crying foul and claiming your opponent had “attacked” you. There have been no negative ads from the other camp,, unless you consider getting your poor record handed to you on a plate during the debates an attack.
People really need a second opinion to proof their vanity plates. Was behind a BMW X3 SUV just now with vanity plates “BCHMOM”. Given my mood this past week with drivers and traffic, what do you think I read it as?
(0)What’s that I hear? Sounds like HFD1 is doing a rescue up Koko Crater right now. No pics, as its dark!
(0)There are some confused kids out there. Spotted in front of me at Don Quixote checkout, a Late teen early twenties guy with slim fit corduroy pants, that were baggy. Yes, he somehow managed to do that.
(0)OK, someone’s got too high an opinion of themselves. On my drive home from work yesterday KORL wasn’t playing anything good so I switched to BT to play music from my iPhone. The second song to come up was a U2 son. Huh? I didn’t think it was doing Pandora and I didn’t have anything U2ish in my lists, I’m not a fan. Turns out U2 was doing a free thing with their latest album on iTunes. Problem was it was done as a push thing so it showed up in your device whether you wanted it or not. WTF, U bonerz did this the wrong way, you’ve rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.
(0)HI5-0 filming on Young by the back of HPD. From the big blue fake signage, ballet will be part of an upcoming episode.
(0)Un-lucked out being behind a first-gen Highlander whose CV joint boot exploded. Got smeary residue on the windscreen that won’t easily rinse off.