è…°ãŒç—›ã„! 如何ã—ã¦ï¼Ÿã€€Ow! What the F did I do to cause that? Lower back went off while taking a shower.
(0)Archive for the 'SUAR' Category
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The proper procedure for a lane change is signal intention, look to verify clear, initiate lane change, NOT initiate lane change, look, swerve back into lane, then signal.
(0)Turn signals have been standard equipment on automobiles for over 50 years, their use is not optional! You there in your newfangled Eco car, that Leaf is not so technologically advanced that it detects your intentions and telepathically transmits a signal to other drivers!
Just because there are no lines in an intersection does NOT mean its a free for all zone!
And red is still NOT the new yellow. Even if you’re a City Bus!
(0)While listening to the vacuous K-pop that occasionally ninjas its way onto 97.1 by the unfortunate grace of there being Japanese-language crossover K-songs that make it onto the Japanese chart rankings, I realized that although unintentional on their part, “KARA” means “empty” (空) in Nihongo – you know, like in “karate” or “karaoke” (go look it up). How oddly appropriate! Guess that’s another one to add to the list of otherwise innocuous names that go bad when transplanted into another language like “Nova” and “Pajero.”
(0)I hope the trains aren’t super crowded on the way to the airport. It should time out OK, since I’ll be headed out around 15:00, so that’s after lunch and before the pau-hana rush. Still, I’ve found myself standing all the way to Chitose before, so today might be more of the same.
(0)Seriously, how do these guys do it? The hourly forecast called for rain last night with a clear, partially cloudy morning, followed by increased cloudiness at noon, with clearing again in the afternoon and evening. It indeed went from blue skies with scattered clouds this morning to a full overcast at lunchtime. I’ll expect blue as I head to the airport this afternoon. They must have some serious supercomputing power!
(0)Just like they said, it rained. Not too bad though. Hope it clears up and doesn’t go off again at dinnertime – I don’t want to walk around in the rain again.
(0)The JMA forecast calls for a clear morning followed by rain this afternoon. It’s about time for stores to open, so I’ll head out soon, but it’s clear blue out, so I feel a little incredulous about the prediction of rain. This is the JMA though, so I do believe it. Their forecasts run accurate to almost the hour. I’ll take my eVent jacket…
(0)Man, my sleep cycle is going to be all messed up. Need some ToughMan! Rode the most painful train seat from Sapporo to Aomori on the overnight train through the Seikan Tunnel. After pounding a between-the-rib-bones-of-a-maguro meat donburi, it was off on a great circuit of the West part of Aomori to Akita and back again. Except for the parts where the satellite reception was lost due to tunnels, I’ve got like 800km on the GPS today! Didn’t get many good pictures because of the speeding train and front lighting, but got to see a nice SL.
(0)Yesterday, the weather forecast for today in Sapporo called for rain in the afternoon, but this morning, it was revised to partially cloudy. I was considering going for a hike, but the gutbag is still a little noisy and unhappy from the flight. I definitely don’t want to be hunting down a un-nasty toilet in an unfamiliar town if the XD rears its brown head, nor do I want to poop in the woods when the bears are about in their final weeks of fattening up for winter. The clouds are ripping by, so the windspeed is pretty high. Temperature is nice though, around 11-13C.