Saw a Saturn Ion making a turn off Punchbowl by Restaurant Row. There was a pedestrian in the crosswalk, but the Saturn driver invoked the “yield to pedestrians in your lane of traffic” rule by driving in the oncoming lane instead! Sorry, ma’am – that’s not how the law works.
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Had a guy in a Ford Harley Davidson edition pickup truck in back of me in Kaka’ako today. At every four-way stop, he ghosted me through the intersection after I stopped, yielded to other traffic, and proceeded, without stopping himself.  Even with the traffic with the right of way on the cross streets honking their horns at him, he continued to do this. He knew the law, but intentionally disregarded it.
(0)Two – actually three if I count dinner – beers later, I’ve got a pretty rocking headache. Being homeless in the airport terminal doesn’t help I guess… Pocari Sweat to the rescue!
(0)While on the subject of security gurads in Japan, I was approached in English by an older gentleman at Meiji Jingu who told me, “no photography”. I was standing on the top step of the altar area where you give your offering, but on the stairway side, taking a picture of the shrine courtyard – opposite the sacred inner-sanctum (It’s pretty obvious to me to not be a cultural boor and take a picture of the sacred areas). He pointed at the one step down from the top. I stepped down one level and he walked away. Essentially, if I wasn’t on the top step, I was out of his jurisdiction and responsibility, and I could go and do whatever I pleased and he didn’t care. This is the kind of compartmentalized thinking that leads to nuclear powerplants melting down.
(0)There’s a security guard here that has been by a couple of times since I’ve been sitting here. He has gone to the window to look to see that nothing has been placed between a partition wall and the glass and opened the recycling bins. Not exactly sure what he’s actually been trained to look for, but there’s a bottle half full of fluid a couple of rows of seats behind me that has been there since three that he still hasn’t noticed. I feel really safe. This is totally “three-ring binder” security – he was given explicit instructions of specifically what to look for and where, and anything outside that scope, although potentially a threat, gets ignored. He’s totally following “the rules” and not actually “doing the job” and providing security.
(0)It’s pretty difficult starting a sentence with, “so I was listening to NPR this morning…” and not come off sounding pompous. Both Fabio and I are guilty of this!
(0)Smokers are inherently ethically vacant and morally corrupt egotistical individuals. They are so self-centered and self-absorbed that they don’t care how their smoking affects those around them, whether they are people who they interact with, or disinterested bystanders: Only the self is important. They litter with absolute abandon, both by dropping their ash and by discarding their cigarette butts on the streets or sidewalks: They can’t be bothered with properly disposing of their refuse. This puts them in league with the COFA folk who expectocate their phlegm and discard used baby diapers even in hospital parking lots.
(0)Saw the vanity plate, “BF8FUL”. I’m fairly certain this individual is of the evangelical, new-fashion religious variety (“be faithful”) and not the meat-loving variety (“beef ate full”). Too bad he or she doesn’t have a full command of English, since the plate reads “be fateful” and not “be faithful”. There’s a big difference there (hint: go check a dictionary). Maybe this is one of the friends of the “discreet”/”discrete” guys…
(0)Saw a block-and-long-U-bolt lifted F250 pickup with four super-expensive external-reservoir Fox Racing Shox dampers across the back axle. Too bad the outer two were at the inboard 1/3rd distance stock Ford locations where they do little to moderate roll, and the other two were installed on either side of the differential housing. WTF?!?! The money would have been better spent on a real off-road coil-and-4-bar rear suspension and TWO Fox dampers.
(0)…and if the Formosan koa doesn’t get you, the broad-leaf paperbark (melaleuca quinquenervia) will. Those are firing now too.