Flight to NGO was actually a Triple-7-200. Older aircraft, but a lot nicer (and cleaner) than the retired 747SUD’s and old 767-300’s that JAL usually uses on the Hawaii runs. Not sure why it was upsized from the usual 767 – maybe marathon season? Most people had whole rows to themselves, which actually worked out better than getting upgraded to business class, since I could fold up the armrests and lay flat out across the three seats.
(0)Archive for the 'SUAR' Category
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At HNL. Glad it’s breezy and cool for a change. Maybe I actually won’t be stinky by the time I reach Sapporo. No – the trains will be sauna-hot.
(0)Stay safe out there, tis the season for craziness on the road. On Kal hwy edge of Hawaii Kai, a mangled roadbike under a cement truck! I think no fatality as only one lane closed. Two more accidents on H1. And misc weirdness, roadie with clip less Crocs?
(3)CBS film production trucks at the HMC West loading dock. Expect a hospital sequence on HI5-0 in several weeks. Only a couple of box trucks and a flatbed with a lighting generator – no craft service, catering, or dressing room trailers – so it’s probably just a second-unit shoot.
(0)Scion iQ just passed on King Street. Small. Orange. First one I’ve seen here. Already saw one in Onomichi in September.
(0)Dammit, driving over an hour to Powder Mountain only to find it closed! Doing doughnuts with Chevy Tahoe in their parking lot helps.
(0)Just saw Jeremy Harris at Waterfront Row. Guess he didn’t cut and run from the state after he lost to Mufi.
(0)Darn, I guess LSD is not a locker. Lost a cv shaft (was a “new” one too), dead in water. Called for tow
(0)You know, don’t we learn from elementary school that stop means… stop?! You know, that word printed on those red signs with eight sides?