In a span of less than five minutes and a distance of less than three miles between two parking lots in Waipahu, I saw three Suzy SJ410’s and an equal number of Toyota MR-S’s. Do all little cars eventually end up in Waipahu?
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To give some details to yesterdays car nuttyness, four red light runners, one with a blue & white a little behind me but he may not have seen it, bummer. Left turn from Piikoi under the freeway old guy in right lane crosses the solid marked curve into my lane & I have to slam on brakes, and then maybe 50 yards down someone crosses the solid white from left into my lane. Pickup zips along then crosses the solid/median at last minute cutting in front of me at the Pearl ridge/Moanalua Rd exit. Supertailgate pickup coming down Pali townbound, and then seeing coming across motorcycle rider with passenger laid down on the median at the Nuuanu exit. Lucky for them those markers are flexy poles and they laid it down before the raised median! And finally almost back to office, governement use lisence plate hybrid Ford Fusion with large MMA diecut stickers on rear window driving like an asshat!
(0)Â Stay safe out on the streets out there today. I think it’s Crazy Driver Day or something! Will elaborate later.
(0)On Young Street, backs up and turns down our office street, in reverse! So does going down a one way street the wrong way but in reverse make it any better?! Bad enough you get lazy b’s going the wrong way on our street and when you catch them as you’re coming the right way, they try make like all lost but turn and park in the First Interstate Building. You know full well where the heck you’re going!
(0)Saw two actual commercial AM General Humvees yesterday, one white 2-door fastback and one blue 4-door wagon. Come to think of it, I really haven’t seen many GM H2’s or H3’s around lately, but maybe that’s not because they have been naturally selected out of the gene pool (like any 3-year-old Korean car), but more because I haven’t been driving through the ghetto to see them.
(0)It’s not like politicians lying surprise me, but I seem to recall Chucky D. promising to spare Hawai’i of his nonsense after he lost miserably to Colleen in the last election. Now the hack is on the verge of announcing he’ll challenge her again in the next election? Has he forgotten how soundly he was trounced? Perhaps he’s a legend in his own mind…
(0)We had a 1 second brownout this morning, looks like it took out my PC or corrupted the hd.
(1)At intersection stopping to yield right of way waiting to make left turn, total idiot bone head behind me in Jeep Wrangler crosses into incoming lane to go around me on left to turn. He makes it through intersection but has to slam brakes and skid to halt as he almost tbones car entering the cross street from City Mill driveway. AND has the gall to honk his horn. Where’s Tazerman when you need him!