At HNL. It’s morning but it’s crazy hot and humid. Hope they open the gate lounge soon, so I can get some AC.
(0)Archive for the 'SUAR' Category
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Heading up Ward today a couple of cars behind a State Sheriff’s Department vehicle, and he stops in the middle of the intersection at Beretania, turns on his rooftop flashy light, and gets out of the car all haughty and disgusted looking. He leans down and picks up the remmnants of one of the contra-flow lane signs that someone has summarily destroyed and tosses them onto the sidewalk at the corner by the Honolulu Academy of Arts. Great. Clear a road hazard by creating a hazard for pedestrians on the sidewalk? Genious.
(0)The Shell gas station in Kaneohe has “ethanol free” 89-octane for $0.20 more per gallon than 87-octane E10 Regular.
(0)Being a professional at something implies excellence and knowing how to do the job correctly. A taxi driver’s job is to drive, so they are supposed to know how to drive. Unfortunately this train of though is too idealistic I guess. Driving toward Kapahulu Ave this afternoon, taxi minivan speeds along side and squeezes in on freeway at last minute to get off at the Kapahulu off. On Kapahulu I’m two cars behind, a Lexus SUV is between us. In right lane is a yellow school bus/van stopped, red lights flashing, stop sign folded out on left side of van, also with red lights flashing, and sign on rear of van clearly proclaiming “Unlawful to pass when red lights are flashing”. Apparently english reading comprehension is also not a required skill of taxi drivers. The taxi minivan zooms past the school bus, as does the Lexus. I stop, the bus turns off its signals and I catch up with the idiots at the next light. Taxi plate was BBJ 641, control ID#on dome light 86364, bumper decal T2862, unfortunatley company name only on front of dome light I couldn’t identify.
(0)Dang it, SFO to SLC flight delayed, won’t be doing the park city dirtbag freebee deal.
Car rental counter is taking forever too.
AO SFO. SFO-SLC flight delayed first by one hour, then by two. So much for first day boarding…
(0)Dammit, what heck, it’s just past 10:00pm and all the bars at HNL airport are closed!
Trying to be green and dispose of various old rechargeable nicds & gel cell batteries that surfaced while cleaning out my room. You would think that Radio Hack being a seller of lots of batteries would take these in. No, according to the clerk they don’t do it because they have to take it to a recycler, no one picks it up.
Well, Beast Buy has a bin.