Driving home yesterday, I saw a dude in a flourescent work shirt with a Litespeeed Ti road bike several houses down from the Cachola Clinic on Kalihi Street. Nothing screams “stolen bike” more than a road bike that’s the wrong size with the drop handlebars rotated back so the brake levers are beneath the hands!
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So I’m at dole cannery theater to watch Mutant Girl Squad & there’s a pile of fixies leaned against benches locked together. Going to line up & spot them a mile away. Why is it for people supposedly wanting to be different, you can spot them in their similar dress?
(0)Well, the Hawaii 5-0 production was at Holy Nativity this friday evening and I can tell you they certainly made fans with many East Honolulu residents. It took me about an hour to get from Kahala Mall to home in Hawaii Kai, could have gone there and back on my bicycle. Had a hectic day at the Makitti opening, time only for a 7-11 sandwich somewhere around 3:30 and then hit the helacious trafic backup at the Kahala Mall merge. Had all kinds of idiots cutting in line, driving along the left lane and into the intersection under the H-1 and then turning right, bypassing the right lane and right turn merge lane. Where’s Tehzaman when you need him. While stuck in traffic I get a trouble call from a site on both my personal phone and the company phone. Ugh, by policy I can ignore my personal phone, they’re not supposed to have that number, but I pull over at Aina Haina to call back on the company phone, only to listen to the phone ring twenty times. I’m in a pretty sour mood, and then the car won’t start despite the secondary ignition bypass switch I installed. Curses, and I don’t have my usual hot wire jumper. Eventually it starts, I reenter the traffic, and make it home. Sheesh. Dinner and a beer sure was good, time for another!
Oh if you’re wondering, the title is a reference to the mysterious signs you see at these productions directing staff where to go.
(0)Chikusho! Kuso! WTF?! This is the worst Napoleon’s Apple Napple I’ve ever had! POS! MF-er! There is no apple filling, but there is this sweet, white, grainy stuff inside that tastes suspiciously like coconut… Darned part-timers!
(0)If you want an example of poor implementation of technology, check out the electronic directory boards on the third floor at the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center. It’s a case of old school paper/poster far superior to expensive LCD board. For one it displays each level of the center a page at a time, you have to wait the designated seconds for the screen to scroll to the next level. Looking for a shop, you’re likely to stand there looking though all four pages, and then some because it’ll go past your screen by the time you look through the listing and find your store and the legend code. Have fun finding store if you don’t know its name. Once you find it, the screen scrolls off, so you wait for all for screens to scroll by again. And then you see the screen, frantically look for the legend code on map, then stare at map to try & figure out where you are since it’s not marked, the screen scrolls away so you sit for yet another four screens, and then try to figure which way to go since the map is not oriented in the position you are standing. It’s a frustrating mess!
(0)Well, it’s Silver Week again, and I see all the shiny-skirted, tall-shoed JDM gals and white-tee-shirted JT-wannabe guys around town.
(0)Holy cow, traffic trying to get back to office is totally messed up. State holiday has messed up the usual patterns. Gridlock & idiot drivers locking up intersections all over!
(0)Seriously, if you don’t have to be anywhere today, stay home. Between the State Holiday and the water main break on Ala Moana Boulevard, it’s like someone unlocked the monkey house and gave each monkey a car key.