I was stuck on the freeway today. No, it wasn’t because it is “back to school” time. No, it wasn’t the accident or stalled vehicle at the bottom of the School Street on-ramp on the other side of the freeway. It was Mr. Pokey in the Sentra who forced his way in front of me from the Like Like on/Vineyard off then dropped down to 25-mph. At least 15 cars took advantage of his 10-second following distance in the few miles I was on the freeway, all the while the traffic in back of him got further and further behind. The other lanes of the freeway were moving at a good clip, so there was no opportunity to pull out and change lanes.
(0)Archive for the 'SUAR' Category
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Saw a white Land Cruiser 80 with crazy lift by the airport. I’ve actually seen this thing before out on the West side. I couldn’t really make out all the details since it was bouncing around like crazy, but the axle linkages and coil springs had all been removed, and leaf springs hacked in. The stock outboard shock mounting positions had been abandoned for dual inboard mounted shocks set at 45-degree angles, such that the top eyelets of the innermost shocks were almost adjacent to each other! This is of course because functionality aside, duals “look more cool”. NOT! I wouldn’t be surprised by the unnatural track if semi-floating GM axles had been swapped in instead of the stock full-floaters. Also wouldn’t be surprised if there was a carbureted GM V8 in this Frankenmobile instead of a proper, torquey Toyota sequential EFI inline. Remove the salient Land Cruiser features and hack in lame, inferior substitutions. Good job!
(0)Bonehead in red Mazda 3, I sure hope the driving instructor pointed
out that you were a prime example of how NOT to drive as you blasted
by on the RIGHT on two lane Diamond Head road around the driver ed
car. Wish the cop citing moped furthur up street saw that.
Here it comes. A distinct change in the color and density of the albizia canopy indicates that they have set flower buds. Welcome to allergy season!
(0)Driving home the other day, I detected the faint sickly-sweet smell of something blooming along the highway. It was dark, so I couldn’t quite see if the albizia trees were starting to go off. Yesterday, I headed home while there was still daylight out, and lo, it was not the albizia but instead the Formosa koa to blame. Mango is over, avocado is finishing, and now it is the Formosa koa. Happy allergies!
(0)Yay! I’m amazed, like all too often nowadays saw someone run red, but
this time was a cop on intersecting light saw it & chased em down!
Give em the chair!
Saw a 4-door Toyota Yaris sedan today with the “Yaris” nameplate on the low liftover bootlid replaced with a “Vitz” nameplate. Fool JDM tuner wannabe n00b! 30-seconds of web time would tell you that you sedan is called the Belta on the JDM, and the Vitz is only the five-door hatchback! The JDM doesn’t even have the 3-door hatch, so technically there is no such thing as a three-door Vitz. The three-door is only available in North America and in Europe as a Yaris.
(0)It’s funny how Auntie Linda’s weekly radio address has degenerated from gratuitous self-back-patting for the rare, phantasmically intangible, or elusive gains and accomplishments that she percieved that herself or her cronies were responsible for, to whining partisan political blame-laying and finger-pointing as to why she can’t accomplish anything. Waiter, this lame duck is salty and bitter, please take it back to the kitchen.
(0)09:10 2 MBB camera helos, 2 yellow MD 500D’s, and 2 matte OD Kiowas flying North from HNL. Wonder what film shoot they are for? The yellow eggs were D’s – not HFD’s NOTAR’s – and the Kiowas were not D models with the MMS.