Odd how you can get Okabashi flip-flops at CONUS Wal Marts, but in Hawaii, land of slippers, you can get everything except those USA-made Okabashis.
(0)Archive for the 'SUAR' Category
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Seeing on new Subarus, pzev, partial zero emissions vehicle. WTH is that?! All my vehicles are pzevs, at this very moment they are not producing any emissions!
(2)When I saw the new taillights of the mid-cycle refresh of the Camaro, I thought it looked pretty good. Seeing it again though, it made me think that the car looked like a swollen Nissan Silvia S13.
(0)Since ride got rained I’ll rant instead. Did it not occur to these runners on Diamond Head that black outfits at night is NOT a good idea?
(0)There’s “squirter overflow” on the Likelike. If you’ve driven on the H3, you know what a squirter is: They’re the drivers going 35 in the passing lane who you pass only to have them blast by you a mile later going 90, but you end up passing again at the bottom of the hill when they’re going under the limit again. Essentially, drivers who can’t properly control or understand their speed. Guess there are so many on H3, they’ve bled over to other trans-Ko’olau routes.
(0)Keep seeing a white Chevy Captiva around. It’s a Puerto Rico only model, but is supposedly also available as a fleet vehicle. Because it is nearly identical to the Equinox, it is not sold in markets where the Equnox is heavily promoted. Both are built on the GM Theta platform, but the Captiva uses the short wheelbase pan of the late Saturn Vue, and the Equinox uses the long pan of the Suzuki XL-7.
(0)I’m getting a free reggae/”Jawaiian” concert sitting here in my room. It seems Natural Vibrations is playing a concert at the Kaiser High football field. Seems the weather is holding out for them. The forecast unstable weather with heavy showers has for the most part missed us here.
(0)Driving into work this morning, a spate of non-signalers drove me nuts that I started keeping count. When I first started instances of signalers during an event that require them, I was at 1 out of 10. By the time I got to work the sample size got bigger and things evened out a bit, 37 signals out of 63. So guess it was more than 50%, but not much.
(0)Forgot to post up monku Monday rant. How lazy are people?! Pulled into stall at Foodland when an errant shopping cart came rolling toward the car. Had enough time to reverse out of the way, jump out and catch the cart and take it 20 yards to the cart return station.
How annoying are people?! Going home on Kal Hwy after, Tacoma in right lane I’m in middle. There is no one behind us for at least a quarter mile. He speeds up to cut in front of me, no signal, cuts into the next left, no signal, then cuts into the left turn lane, no signal, and has to stop to wait for the turn light.