Auntie Linda’s personal vendetta against the Honolulu rail system has gone too far with the wasting of State funds on hiring an investigator to look into the project in a time when the State coffers are already strapped for funds and legitimate employees are being laid-off or furloughed.
(0)Archive for the 'SUAR' Category
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On the left side of the KOHA Foods Hite Beer delivery truck:
“Hite Beer From Pure Spring Water 500ft. Below”
500-feet below? Below what? That’s called a well guys, as a Spring would typically be on the surface. Methinks either something was lost in the translation, or it’s a case of using original KDM Engrish advertising copy verbatim.
(0)George Clooney’s Descendants is filming at Queen’s lobby this morning. Hawaii Five-O (Pilot, 2010) is still down at the State courthouse and Downtown Post Office area. A few paparazzi out in front of QMC with big white lenses on their DSLR’s. There are a bunch of signs out with “no parking times” by the State Library and the homeless park in Kaka’ako, so expect filming at those locations too.
(0)Kuso! POS! F! I dropped my Niseko lift pass somewhere between the hotel room and the ticket window, so I couldn’t get my 1,000-yen deposit back!
(0)Well, the Sapporo Soup Curry Yokocho has all but dwindled down to two shops. The one I used to go to is gone and another new garishly appointed shop stands in its place. Boo. Luckily, I found another place that is actually better than the old place even closer to Oodori. There is another new shop out toward Maruyama to try next time. The one closest to where I am is pretty terrible.
(0)Whoa. Just spent $50 USD at Hanamaru for dinner. Oh, it was really good. I’m pretty sure that it is easy to get out of there for less than $20 for a set meal, but if you go the izakaya-style picky dishes route, it can get up there. In depth review to come soon. Definitely a better way to spend $50 than going to tonight’s Bon Jovi concert!
(0)Saw a overly tinted black Hilux Surf today with one of those grossly deformed, overly stylized Hinano girl rip-off copyright-infringement diecut stickers on the back glass. Not out of the ordinary, except for the subtitle, “Respect the Culture,” below it. Huh? What? Really – what the F is that supposed to mean? Which culture? Are these words related in any way to the Hinano girl, or do they just coincidentally occupy adjacent space?
(0)I dropped by Target in Kapolei for some small items from the pharmacy. They had neither the simple breath strips nor the esoteric traumatic bleeding clotting agent that I was looking for. While looking at their selection of bandaging tape, I took a look at their in-house brand. Unlike the in-house Long’s/CVS stuff, the Target stuff was made in The PRC. No, there really is no way I’m going to buy medical-related supplies, of all things, from China. Sorry!