First portion of day spent taking care of Akron. Wrist fracture, his ride is over. He’s making arrangements to head home. Afternoon the other three of us gear up to ride Lost Lakes and Ckuckey breaks his saddle playing on some rocks at the condo. Nekkid-man and Root headed out for short ride. Beautiful weather. Hit Earl’s for an always excellent meal and finish with gelato at a new shop.
Archive for the 'Travel' Category
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The crew has arrived uneventfully, 4 of 6. This year looks to be a wet trip. The Washington to BC border crossing was incredibly fast, only three cars in front of us. Usual stops in Bellingham, Squamish to do some shopping. Hit up Peaked Pies in whistler for dinner.
We keep being told by the locals that it really nornally the isnt this crowded. Yesterday we again experienced a massive line at the lift. Seems kids were out of school and the road to the east was closed due to the snow over last night trapping some people here until midday. Once we got out of the lines though, we found stashes of uridden in the trees all day So it was a good day.
today will be transit and tourist day.
The Revelstoke Snow Gnome webcam shows an honest 11 cm overnight! Looks like today is the day of this trip. Forecast for the rest of the week is nothing today then some snow but rising freezing levels. It’s is also a non-holiday weekday, it ends up that our Presidents Day was Canadas Family Day, a National holiday. Hopefully that explains the massive queue lines we experienced Sunday and yesterday. That would be one of the few negative experienced here so far, but we think it is not representative of a more typical day here. Continue reading ‘Snow Gnome’
Arrived Saturday to an overcast Vancouver, picked up rental RAV4 (winter tires an additional $25 a day? Ouch!) Road trip to Revelstoke did become challenging after sundown with rain and fog. Did eventually make it safely.
Tired after a day of pretty fun riding thie Tuesday, will try to update more details later. Tonight is forecast for a decent amount of snow up on the mountain, so tomorrow may be the best day. Also being a weekeday and non holiday, it hopefully will not be crowded.
Wednesday started overcast and just as forecast as we drove down to Squamish started clearing. By the time we got to Tantalus bike shop, atches of blue sky and sun were out. They were out of the SORCA trail passes, which is a voluntary usage fee to support the work done on the trailsm well worth the $15. We consulted the great staff on the area we wanted to check out. Awesome thing at the shops are pretty much everyone is a core rider. Continue reading ‘Superb Squamish’
Woke up once at 4AM, outside was raining and wet. Weather forecasts here are pretty spot on, Tuesday was forecast for a damp day. It was a lazy morning and we eventually made our way to the Village to browse and shop. Lunch was Gone Village Eatery for a second day in a row. The guys had never been to this soup and sandwhich shop tucked behind the bookstore before, good stuff.
Fun ride, sunny, not a trace of rain, got my butt totally kicked on the climbs.
day started with power going out partially in our condo. Found out later our neighbors too.
after dinner at relocated Avalanche pizza, getting Cows ice cream, the man who will be unnamed, who has the most experience with wood burning fireplaces, spots a shipping pallet outside of Cows side door. Dude, pallets make the best firewood! And it free. So he grabs it and runs it out to the street, right across from the Firehouse and police station, loads it into the van. On the drive back we brainstorm ideas on how to bust up the pallet into smaller pieces. We end up stopping in the road up just up the street from home, jumping out, putting pallet on ground and chuck running it over with the van with a resounding crunch a couple times. nice assortment of pieces now, perfect!
Spoke too soon about nice unit with minor oddities and problems, the power went out to part of unit in middle of breakfast. Appliances still work. Bagel egg & bacon by LED headlamp.
OvernightEd at Seattle, breakfast Dos XX and complimentary hotel chocolate cookie. Drive north, hit Belingham REI, Fanatik. Border crossing took about an hour. bypassed downtown Vancouver, encountered some traffic on Hwy 1. Stop at Squamish and Tantalus bike shop.
arrive whistler and get to condo. The van is a tight fit outside. The condo is pimp. Rare case where the stated 8 person capacity is understated. If you were cramming it could easily fit 5 upstairs where each person would have a bed, sofa or cushion. Downstairs could fit 6 on beds. if you got into floor space there’s more! And no mice so far.
Dinner was Peak pie. Winding down with a Sleeman honey brown lager, kinda bland beer.