Archive for the 'Travel' Category

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The Green Hell

dscf1028b.jpgWednesday Feb 27

Leave work early and arrive at HNL interisland terminals. 4:15PM in the middle of work week finds easy parking in the interisland structure. No lines at all at check-in or security. Arrive at Hawaiian Airlines’ boarding area. The sun is dipping down and creating “god” beams in the sky. I am heading to Hilo, Hawaii for an install at the Hilo Hawaiian hotel. The flight is uneventful, the unflight mag is same from a few weeks ago, I’ve already read about the night surfing with Fabio’s co-worker, about the guy in Volcano growing wasabi. We arrive and I step out of the aircraft and my first thought is, was Hilo always stinky? Continue reading ‘The Green Hell’


Okay.  I got back at 09:35 yesterday morning.

I want to go back to Hokkaido.

White Hell

Okay, to start, this isn’t an FTP thread…

Got back in to Sapporo last evening - just barely. 

Friday was clear in Sapporo, but cold.  We caught the highway bus to Niseko Annupuri Resort (2180 yen PP) via Otaru (not the Nakayama-touge route).  The weather in Niseko was overcast with the portent of snowfall.  After checking in to the Northern Resort Annupuri and attempting to find somewhere for lunch, we walked down to the ski center for lunch at the cafeteria.  I had a Hamburger with pilaf for 1100 yen.  The meat slab was good and big (A-), but the “pilaf” (C-) was just rice with a hint of butter and frozen mixed vegetables mixed in (peas, carrots, corn).  Back at the hotel, we were picked up by Minami-san of Niseko Adventure Center for a snowshoe tour.  He drove us over to the gondola in a Toyota Hiace and out came the poles and Atlas snowshoes.  The poles were mystery ski poles, so were of a fixed length which I thought were too long, even if the session was to be all downhill.  We caught the gondola up to the top station, where it was snowing nicely. Continue reading ‘White Hell’

Stay out of the Moors…

In anticipation of some B/C work in Niseko, we went to Takino Suzuran park in Southeast Sapporo on Saturday to try out snowshoeing.  We caught the subway down to Makomanai and got on the same bus line that heads to the Geijitsu no Mori (art/sculpture garden).  Takino is a Natonal-Government-run park offering various activities year-round.  In winter there are XC ski trails, a tiny one-lift ski/board slope, a tube/sled park, and snowshoe trails.  The snow as coming down pretty heavy in the morning.  There was easily 10-15cm of unsettled fall overnight.  The snowshoe and poles were free.  They had pretty nice hardware – Tubbs shoes and BD poles! Continue reading ‘Stay out of the Moors…’

In Sapporo

Got in last night a little late.  The flight was delayed due to non-arrival of aircraft.  Maybe 30-40  minutes behind schedule.  There was a light snow falling ant the temp was around -6C.  I was just happy the flight wasn’t cancelled.

I can’t get the IE Outlook interface to work here for some reason – I can check my mail, but I get some “file…text…unsupported…something” error if I try to send something.  That makes me cranky.  Some issue with the language version or something.  It used to work fine.  Had the same issue at 2 different locations.


Feet dry at KIX.  Flight was OK, but uncomfortably hot.  Probably the dummy-plug drives under the seats for the in-flight entertainment systems were cooking me.  My watch said the temp was as high as 31C in the cabin!  There were some non-Japanese people in back of me… semi-English speakers who insisted on using my seatback as a handle, especially when I had a drink in my hand.  Darn those overweight foreigners!  Fat dude was pushing his back against mine when we were waiting to deplane, expecting me to move – which I didn’t.  Pilot was really good.  Nice soft landing on the new runway.  Landing approach was over Awaji-shima, then turning in a big right arc to land going out to sea. 

It’s about 6-9C here.  My KIX-CTS flight is on schedule, so everything looks good.

Off to Sapporo

All ready to head out.  Heading to HNL to catch JO 077 to KIX.  There is supposed to be some bad weather warning going on for today – tens of centimeters of snowfall expected nationwide.  Hope none of my flight legs get cancelled…

Opening Whistler 07-08

Well, it’s almost three weeks since our Thanksgiving early season snowboard trip to Whistler so I guess i’ll start writing some stuff.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Started with a mad dash to get home from work, grab a bite to eat, jump in shower, grab gear, and drive with my mom to the airport. We’re on the earlier flight out, so don’t have luxury of taking as much time. Traffic is light and I arrive with plenty of time. The much warned about crowds at the airport were non-existant. The rest of the crew soon shows up and we are processed with utmost efficiency by the Chinese Air Canada agent. No idle chit chat, but damn she gets the job done fast and right!

We’ve got time to kill so we browse the usual newstands. I pick up a normal auto magazine, none of the import ones caught my eye this time, and Dave of course bought a gun magazine. Sorry, no Soldier of Fortune. And I grab a bottled water. How much for a pack of double A batteries? I still think the ban on liquids carried through security is a conspiracy with the concession vendors. We cruise over to the Duty Frees in search of a Tiki for Derek. After he finds one he’s happy with, we head to our gate. 

 Plane is being loaded, there’s a good number of people in the holding area. The same agent who processed our check in is now here and takes charge of the gate, and take charge she does. She announces the seats for boarding and she makes sure its done right. Your seat number not called yet? you aren’t going in, dufus! We don’t mind waiting. Better to cruise out here in the spacious lounge than stand in the narrow aisles waiting for the people up front to get out of the way. 

We’re on the plane soon enough and seated. The seats aren’t luxury by any stretch, but at least I can’t feel the metal bars under my arse. Check out the movies. Ugh, they’re quite weak. Just as well, will attempt to sleep. Departure is uneventful. Beverage service starts. Damn, only Molson Canadian? Still good stuff, but was hoping for other selections too. Hitting some bumps, but got my beer, and food is coming soon. Dave raves about the beef, so we go for the beef instead of the lasgna selection. Smells pretty good. Beef stew with mash potatoes, steamed veggies, salad, dinner roll and guava cake. It is all actually quite good. I have to admit that this is probably one of the best airplane meals I’ve had. The salad greens were fresh and a nice assortment, not dessicated cut up squares of iceberg. Roll soft, the stew quite tasty, the carrots and string beans accompanying were not overcooked mush. And the guava cake was yummy.

The rest of the flight was pretty uneventful. Managed to get some fitful sleep, but the seats were super uncomfortable for sleeping. I swear I was waking up every half hour shifting positions in a vain attempt at some comfort, but I must have dozed off some because the flight went by pretty fast. Being the early redeye flight, it was sometime after 0500 Vancouver time as we started our approach.

Humidity shock

Just got back home. Yikes! The culture shock not so bad since buying the Angus combo meal with poutine upgrade at YVR airport Burger King (BTW, the most expensive lunch of our trip!) got me prepared for slow service shock, but this humidty and heat! Guaranteed if i had bought some Tim Horton’s doughnuts to bring back, they would have turned into a gooey mess by the time I reached the end of the jetway.

Anyway, it was a very good trip. Good way to start the season, with a trip just long enough to get the legs going, but not enough to burn them totally out. We were pretty hardcore flying the redeye on Wednesday, catching Whistler Taxi on arrival early Thursday morning, checking into hotel, and hitting the slopes right then. Come back for more details here later. In addition to Dave’s hints, watch for Fabio and Root, the “powder” poaching pirates, and dammit, why’s it start totally snowing when we’re leaving?! It’s sure to be a 10cm or more flu day tomorrow in Whistler! I’m sure 1cm accumulated during the time we waited for the Perimeter Express van.

Thanksgiving Snow

I got back from Whistler last night from a long weekend of snowboarding.  Root, Fabio, and myself flew up on Wednesday night and hit the slopes on Thursday morning.  I rode on Friday and Saturday and flew back on Sunday in order to make it in to work this morning.  Root and Fabio come back tonight.

Conditions were fairly good for opening week, with a little under a meter (39-inches) of accumulated snow.  There were a few secret stashes here and there, but the marked runs were scraped down to the icy substrate by Saturday afternoon, especially toward the bottoms, or on the green runs back to the lifts.  Nothing out of the ordinary.

Dining was good as usual, but the fall of the USD versus the CAD made things hurt a little all around.  I got $0.93 CAD per $1 USD when I converted.

Expect more in future posts, like:

Los Luchadores!

“Viva La Mexico!” …(bam-bam-bam) “Security!”

Last Tracks
