Sunday, 29 July 2007
AM – rainy, 20C
PM – sunny, 22-25C slight breeze
I awoke at 06:00 to my phone’s alarm. It was morning twilight and the sky was a clear eggshell blue. It was too early. I griped to myself that I had set the alarm too early and went back to sleep. At 08:00, I awoke again, this time to the sound of water dripping from the eaves of the roof onto the vinyl chairs on the terrace. The sky was no longer clear blue, but instead a uniform gray. I went back to drowsing until I heard noise out in the living room. We had missed IGA last night after dinner because of the late hour, so we didn’t have any breakfast. We did have the coffee that I brought, so that was a good perk-up while watching the Weather Channel. Breakfast was the “original breakfast†at The Beet Root. We had walked by the day before and considered it for dinner, but they are only open for breakfast and lunch. The original breakfast was 2 poached eggs, 4-strips of American bacon, potatoes, and toast with condiments for $9 CAD. Pretty good, but not particularly cheap. If it’s clear outside, sit on the terrace so the kitchen smells don’t ruin your clothes like if you sit inside. Continue reading ‘Whistler MTB – Day 3’