sheesh, one little banjo bolt. No one has it retail. I figured Ron’s would have it to go along with the fancy anodized fuel line fittings, no luck. If I knew I would have grabbed one at the junkyard, there must be piles of there.
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From Oregon’s FUll Sail brewery, their amber. Pours a clear dark amber, small head. Strong floral hop aroma with accompanying bitter. Some of the malt fights to come through. Medium mouthfeel. Packs some buzz at 6% ABV.
Though not horrible, I can’t say I’m a fan. Given my personal bias I have to hops, I wns up giving this 2 out 4 boingy monkeys.
Next up in the fall pack is this Maple Ale. Pours a clear dark brown with red tint, medium light head. Medium smoky aroma and hint of the maple. Hops bitter through the middle, but not flowery. Medium mouth feel gives it a bit of a hearty feel. Wonder what the ABV is, this beer feels warm! Ah, it’s 6.4%, it is in the fall pack, after all. It’d be nice if it were more fall like here.
3 out 4 maple monkeys.
the Kevinator and significant other arrived yesterday, we met up with them mid morning for breakfast at Wildwood now located below Crystal Lodge. Good breakfast then we headed over to get him a rental bike. After dropping them off at their hotel, we took a trip to Creekside and took a little walk. Grabbed some crumpets and local strawberries that was not available at whistler market. Also a chicken samosa for a pre-ride snack as it was nearing noon.
We picked up Kev on way back to home base, ate our snacks, then suited up to ride Lost Lakes. The skies were ominous, I’d seen some rain heading our way on radar. It was a little chilly riding out but once you worked up some steam it was fine. The rain had reached us, but it never got serious, and the ground here is amazing. Granite rock and cindery dirt give amazing traction even when wet, only the tree roots get really slippery. It was a good ride, although Nekkid-man suffered from a pedal falling of and his rear rotors also threatening to come off. We did help a pair of London ladies put back a crank arm that came off. Hopefully they made it out in good spirits and earned us some karma points.
Great weather today sunny start, clouds moved in afternoon. Cool, not cold. Hit the Lost Lake trails. Unfortunately Akron rolled out front tire on a rock and went dirt surfing. Cut knee, scuffed forearm & chin, cracked helmet and worse injury is banged wrist. After patching homie up, the rest of us went out for more of Lost Lake.
Post ride meal was sand which/burgers/soup past the bookstore. Cows ice cream to finish the evening.
Wake up morning of July 4. 2015 to kick off a summer tradition, what’s more traditional around here than a rescue by HFD1 on Koko Crater?
It’s fresh back from servicing too! This time around HFD Air 1 dropped off two personnel through rapel. It’s not the barf bucket today, it’s the puke plank. Looks like whoever the companion was got a ride out too.
Friday after work I was in quite the foul mood as I was waiting in intersection to make a left. The light was already yellow and really I should have been clearing the intersection as the light was about to turn read, but a mini-van taxi entered. I leaned on my horn and people who know me that is very rare for me. Made it to Don Quixote. But there is nothing like a hot localized J girl in a French maid outfit to perk you up. Granted it wasn’t an authentic full outfit, but I didn’t care. It made me happy and my day was now good!
OK, that forecast cold front has finally reached us. When we dropped Dave off in Kaneohe early evening the system was just reaching there. Its been a few hours since and Hawaii Kai was dry. Then about half an hour ago there was some thunder and lightning. I heard the rain starting, big fat drops. The temperature dropped noticeably. Then I heard the tone of some of the drops outside were different. Definitely more solid plinks on the roof and the cars in the driveway. Is that hail?! I went outside with a flashlight but I guess it was too small to survive long enough to find any bits of ice. Now I really want to go get some ice cream!
Woke up and got to Koko Head park with about 15 minutes to spare. Parking even more crowded this year, I got the last stall in the middle parking area! Winds died down and haze is hanging around, which made for a orange sunrise. For some reason as the light became full I found myself attacked by winged ants! Run away!