At vet with Musubi cat again. Last saw her Sunday night of the rains. Dad found her this afternoon under mockoranges near my room. Getting X-rays right now. Doc thinking might have been encounter with car. Seems to have nerve damage, left hind leg no sensation. Guess she did get into something, not taken in by somebody.
Geeze, she’s not even a teenager yet and getting into all this trouble.
Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category
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Oh yeah, been turning my room upside down. What’s this, Root’s cleaning his room? Didn’t make it for the New Year though. Been gradually reorganizing my room. Been dumping old piecemeal furniture bits, like the old color TV cabinet in my closet that was acting as shelf and replacing with more efficient shelving. Also picked up some Lundia wood shelving modules from City Mill to replace my desk and wall shelving. These are the wood shelving systems you’ll see throughout the store for displaying shelving. Pretty nice stuff. Not sure where they’re getting it from, this is Lundia euro stuff, not the Lundia USA. They look similar, but are not compatible, this stuff is in metric, although City Mill labels it in inches. Works fine. Not exactly cheap, the three uprights, seven shelves, and misc hardware set me back around $400, but it’s pretty nice. Solid wood, not particle board, goes together easily, adjusts easily. Will need to get the house fumigated sometime before it becomes termite food!
I was forwarded info to article in paper about the TV show Off The Map currently shooting in Hawaii was looking for vehicles for a scene in their season finale. Criterion was beat looking vehicles as this show is supposed to take place in the jungles of South America. Well people, do I have the vehicles for you? Within hours of submitting these pics to their casting dept, they called me saying they’d love to have them. But I gathered from the descriptions and what they said, they wanted people to drive to the shoot and man the vehicles for the scene, which is supposed to be a traffic jam during a festival. It would have been amusing to do, but they are shooting this Monday at Kualoa ranch, something I couldn’t swing. Oh well, next time, I’m not too heartbroken over missing chance to be in this show. If it were Hawaii 5-0 I might have considered it more. It seems to pay more to NOT fix up my vehicles. Guess it’s not easy to get that authentic patina!
So spending this last day of the year on mundane news. The new kitty that adopted us a number of months ago had gotten into some kind of altercation a bit before Thanksgiving. Her injury became ugly just before I left for my Whistler trip, so there was a bit of last second rushing as we wrangled her into a box and I dropped her off at the vet barely an hour before I left for the airport. It turns out the injury was a bit more serious and she required some surgery, but she’s now been back home for a few weeks and doing fine. She has this funny pom-pom tail from having her butt shaved. She’s up to her lizard (& one dove) hunting. And just recently looks like now using the litter box I bought when I brought her home. I’m glad for that. I’ll be atempting the next task of giving her a worm (or rather de-worm) pill in a few weeks. Vet gave her one a week ago when I stopped by after seeing an oogie wormy thing on her butt. Ah the wonders of pet ownership. Continue reading ‘Closing out the year’
You know, I thought they said cats can’t taste carbos and don’t care for it. When I put this empty bottle of Sam Adams Pumpkin Ale down, little shirokuro came over and started licking the bottle enthusiastically. I’m sure alcohol is not good for kitty so didn’t let her have any, but it was amusing to see.
BTW, the beer is actually pretty good. Fabio was dubious since an early experience with a Blue Moon pumpkin beer made him angry. I couldn’t actually taste any pumpkin, but could detect the faintest hint of the spice in the aftertaste.
After two evenings of one hour grinding each with a air die grinder, I finally got the second post bolted down. Have yet to fill up the oil and fire it up yet, but the mounts for both posts are in now!
Picked up the Sam Adams harvest variety pack and this Dunkelweissen was the special edition one that caught my eye. Pours a cloudy brown with a moderate head, persistent carbonation. My sinuses are still suffering congestion, but the aroma has smokyness expected of the darkness, yet its not as strong as might be expected. There’s a citrusy tang and a touch of spice with a bit of bitter taking over, and then a pretty clean finish. I like this, I definitely could get into this beer. I’d almost call it a Hoegarten dark. I give this a solid 3, maybe even 3.5 out of 4 unfiltered monkeys. The only thing holding me back is I can’t trust my lack of nasal capacity.
Now that’s a freaky way to wake up, civil defense sirens going off at 6AM, lieing in bed a bit disoriented trying to figure out if its test day, but thats a few days away. Turn the radio on and the siren is for real. A tsunami warning has been issued projected to arrive around 1100 Hawaii Time. No estimates on size issued, just that there is something significant expected, unlike the past little events that were almost unnoticeable. Our house is not in the innundation zones so we wont need to evacuate. We shall see what happens.
Discovered at Foodland Farms this Hitachino variety I haven’t seen elsewhere. Pours with a pretty good head, cloudy medium dark brown. Touch floral aroma and hint of spices but not strongly hoppy. There’s some sour in there, and a bit of lingering bitter. Reading the label tells of vanilla, corriander, orange peel, but this is no Hoegarten, which I just happened to have had one earlier. Though not offensive, it does not appeal to my tastes. High ABV of 9%. Not quite 3 out of 4 drunken monekys.
So much for that theory, the cough is now going nuts. No amount of of cacao is doing any good, but neither is the OTC cough syrup supressent. Couldn’t manage another of those expectorant pills, and I couldn’t find expectorant only syrup. Sheesh, we’ll see if I can get a good nights sleep or not. Sucks.