Oh my, what a day. After my oh so rough day on Atooi (barely made it in time for flight) yesterday, went to Mr. Ojisan for dinner. Only Yuki was there (aside from cooks). Keiko came by after a meeting, then Yuko called and came by. It turned into a nomi-kai. They then called Santa-san (thats whatÂ
people call him), he’s apparently the #2 guy at Tokkuritei. It was quite an amusing night.
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That’s not right. A dark, dynamically moving column of smoke was rising from the area bounded by Kahekili Highway, Kea’ahala Road, and Anoi Road. Could have been a structure fire, or something burning in the wooded area. I didn’t see or hear any emergency vehicles. After work, I rode my bike over and did some recon. It was a structure fire at: 21.410377,-157.8063 (just put the coordinates into your favorite internet mapping site).
The last of the Hitachino varieties that Maruka has brought in, the Real Ginger Brew. I popped this open tonight with a little trepidation. I know I like ginger ale, but this kind of ginger ale? Pours with a good head, semi-cloudy medium brown. Strong spice aroma. It would take me a while to identify if I didn’t know what it was, but if you know then the aroma is unmistakeably ginger. It’s actually an intriguing aroma, but unfortunately I don’t like the transition to the taste. What bothers me is that it is sweet, which then kind of masks the strong hops and bitter. Fairly alcohol high at 7%.
I have to say I really don’t care for this one, and I don’t think it’s so much the ginger as the other flavors. If I were offered this another round, I would pass on it and give it a 1 out of 4 hopped out monkeys.
OK, got the counter shaft bearings changed out on the transmission, but yikes…. Finally got a complete shop press together from Blue Sky Hawaii, the China special tools place. And this piece of equipment is particularly dodgy. Ok, I concede that it worked. Barely. One point wishing I had a Lexan shield to hide behind in case bits went exploding. The thing is pretty light gauge and is made to rack. There is no way to get it to work straight. To be honest, I’m not sure it was worth the 200 plus bucks. I suppose if I think of it as how much I would have paid a shop to do the same, then ok. But the crookedness bothers me, I think I did a straighter job with my home made extracto/instalo tools I made years ago, and pressing in these bearings crooked is not good.
Had another one of those, WTH have I been doing all these years?! moments. Started on rebuilding the AE86 transmission. It’s got some decades worth of spooge accumulated all over it. I’d been poking at it with a screwdriver and spraying it with citrus degreaser every night throughout the week. Today decided to attack it, and this time I picked up nitrile gloves. Never really liked using mechanic gloves when wrenching. These nitrile ‘rubber’ gloves were one size fits most, and as such were loose on my skinny hands, but they still worked fine. And damn they keep your hands clean! No scrubbing multiple times with handcleaner and nail brush. And I’m sure much better for skin. Continue reading ‘Modern conveniences good’
More of the Hitachino Nest beers available imported, I had the white ale a couple days ago. Poured with moderate head that dissapated pretty quickly, but bubbles carry on. A cloudy light yellow. This is a white similar to Hoegarten, has added spices of corriander and orange peel. Pleasant aroma. The spices are subtler than Hoegarten, making for a nice drink. I think I like this one the best so far, 3 out of 4 lightly drunk monkeys (5% alcohol).
Red Rice Ale – specified on the label as brewed using red rice, definitely no German purity law brew here! And as such, it tastes like it. Poured with large head (think I may have pour a bit more aggresively), cloudy medium dark amber/red. Didn’t detect any really distinctive odor. Definite sweet, dangerously close to a malt liquor. Nicely controlled bitter finish, but honestly there was little that appealed to me. Not one of my faves, 2 out 4 rice fume burping monkeys (long after finishing, after taking a shower even, rice aftertaste).
Well now, originally the plan for Sunday was for a couple of the guys to come over and help me haul out some old junk to the sidewalk for the monthly scheduled bulk trash pickup. That plan took a detour when dad pointed out that there was something wrong with the toilet. Every time it was used, the ground around it would get a little wet. This was on Saturday, I took a look at the toilet. It didn’t look like the water inlet fittings or the tank was leaking. I figured the gunky gasket thing around the base at the poopy outlet was failing. Bleah. Shouldn’t be a terribly difficult repair, but kinda icky, and assistance would be good to lift and install the toilet on the drain. The call went out late Saturday. Continue reading ‘Home Improvement’
Sorry dude, I couldn’t take it, couple nights ago came across a good six incher scuttling around my doorway. I squished it. Centipedes creep me out. Should be a good incentive for me to continue cleaning out my room. Been slowly chipping away at that, and had kind of lost steam, but I better continue. We’ll see if I find any more ant nests. Those ants like video tapes, and after I cleaned that one up, they decided to move into a hardrive shipping box.
It’s coming up to a month now, and it’s a little strange, I don’t feel my mom’s absence too much right now. I guess it’s been pretty busy cleaning up around the house, working out food and cooking, fixing plumbing. Haven’t had any serious sadness bouts. In some slow moments and sometimes before going to sleep the events of that afternoon play through my mind and I keep thinking about if there was something different I could have done, but I push them out of thought because it does no good to dwell on it. I wonder how much Nora Neko understands. I caught her here hanging out on a pile of mom’s stuff during the week after when my sister was here helping out. Nora Neko used to hang out every morning in my mom’s lap, but now her routine is upset. She dissappeared for a couple days once. But she’s back now. I guess I’m going through the same kind of thing. I’m not sure if I really fully understand what happened, but I’m readjusting to it. Continue reading ‘Filling the Void’