Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

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Roller Coaster Ride

The human mind and emotions are a strange thing. Been going through the emotional roller coaster ride. It’s smoothing out, but every once in a while they’ll be little bumps. Early on, the first day I went to visit Mom in hospital, I was pretty ok leaving the house and driving along. I thought to break the quiet to keep from thinking so much I decided to plug in and turn on the stereo and the first song was a song that usually ellicits a happy response for me. Woah damn, that opened the floodgates. I guess when teetering on that fine line, any type of thing that creates an emotion can send you over. I had to pull over into the beach park parking lot as I was having trouble seeing. Had my all out bawl fest there. Wonder if the Korean tourists jumping out of their rental to snap pics of themselves against backdrop of the kinda mucky waters of Maunalua Bay noticed anything. And then sometimes in the middle of a sorrowful moment, my mind would think of something else. Perhaps it’s a way the mind prevents from overloading.

Been kind of running around taking care of the worldly rituals. We’re keeping it quiet and simple, so it hasn’t been to bad. And I’m thankful that everyone we’ve dealt with has been good and making it easy. I can easily see where the unscrupulous can take advantage during a time when you’re so vulnerable.

I can appreciate sybolism and flowers are nice, but we ask if people feel compelled to send flowers, to instead send a donation to Queen’s Medical Center, Att’n. Fund Development Dpt, 1301 Punchbowl St., Honolulu, HI 96813 and notate on check memo to the Neurology Dept., In memory of Kikuko Nobusawa. We feel that it is better spent on something that can do some good, and the staff at Queens was so good to Mom and us.

And as a final note, the picture above is the last of the osechi ryouri that my mother had made for new years that I ate a few days ago. I should have taken a pic on New Years day when it was in all it’s glory, I had thought about it, but you never think something like this will happen.

Closing the Book

All of you who know me know I am a man of few words. I don’t show a whole lot of outward emotion, but despite the past knickname of Japanese Spock, I am human and have a lot of emotions that roll around in me. So bear with me as I spill whatever jumbles of words onto this page. It gives me something to do and helps to calm the roiling emotions that are tumbling about right now. Continue reading ‘Closing the Book’

Turning a Page

Forgive me for this what I’m sure will be a downer post, but I feel the need to put out some of my feelings, as much to help myself as anything. With the turn of New Year is supposed to be hope for a brighter future and all that. The turning of this New Year was with me quietly festive and nothing out of the ordinary. Small group of friends, fireworks to chase out the bad, some drinking. Morning was yummy traditional Japanese as prepared by my mother. All was well until today. My mother, who was still quite active and in good health, suffered from a sudden hemmoragic stroke. No prior signs. Just as she was talking on phone it hit her. The outlook is not positive. My dad is taking it pretty hard. This was very sudden and unexpected, she’s only 66. She’s currently in the ICU and is getting good care. I have nothing but good to say for all the staff of Queen’s and the EMS technitians. Honestly, I hold these healthcare professionals in the highest regard. I can’t say the same for the fool on Kalanianaole Hwy. ambling along in the middle lane yacking on his cell phone. Didn’t he wonder why there were no cars around him all of a sudden as the ambulance passed?

I know there’s the whole life & death thing, the end of your life is inevitable. But when you come face to face with it with your immediate family, it’s still harsh. I’m feeling it’s too early here! She’s stable in ICU right now, but after her second scan she was worse than first came in. The prognosis for recovery is not good and there isn’t a whole lot they said they can do. Surgery was not advised and is likely to not make much of a difference. Basically we came to decision with the doctor that they will do things to keep her comfortable, but if things turn for the worse, they will not undertake extreme measure to prolong life. There’s a part of me that wants to scream, no, damnit, she can’t die! She still has much to enjoy, much to contribute. But the doctors compassionate, but realistic assessment of if they went through extreme measures to keep her alive, in all probability she would be severely disabled requiring nursing home care and would not be able to communicate, made me realize that she wouldn’t want that. I wouldn’t. I don’t think there are many people who would. In a somewhat ironic touch, my dad said he & mom were talking the other day that she said when she dies, she wants to go with a stroke. No prolonged illness battling cancer or anything like that.

Thanks to all my good buddies who were quick to lend a hand and ear (and texts, in this day and age of instant communication technology. I’ve discovered that texting also allows me to maintain composure and communicate better. I’m sure I’ll have more bouts of choking up, sorry bout that Chuck). I’m not a deeply religious person, although I do hold some feelings toward Shintoistic beliefs that there is spirituality around beyond what we can see. Perhaps it is only a human device used to seek solace in moments when there are things beyond your control, but it is a valid device none the less. So I will not deny any of your prayers to whatever belief you hold. I welcome it and am thankful for it. Perhaps the spirits will decide it is not her time and will give her and us the strength to pull through and recover. Otherwise, I hope they can grant her quiet and peace to go without suffering.

Anyway, it is getting late, I need to try and rest to see what the dawn of a another day will bring. Once again, thanks everyone for your thoughts and feelings.


Packed in my senbei I had for lunch. Oh my, that sounds very dangerous! I better go find some dessicant to pack this in!

Royal Riviera

Wow! This is the first time I’ve had a pear that made me go, wow! My mom received a box of “Royal Riveriera Pears” as a gift. Just had a quarter of one, eaten with a spoon, kind of like eating a wedge of melon with a spoon. Creamy texture, juicy, and wonderfully sweet. I’m used to grainy, bland, watery. This had to be the best pear I’ve ever had, simply amazing!

Happy Bird Solo Mission

So there I was looking for something to do after a dinner outing.  I rang the usual suspects, but most were already settled and/or sleepy, so I had resigned myself to going straight home.  Then I get this random text message, “Are you at Imanas?”  No, I say, I am not at Imanas, but I could be.  So after flip floppin’ a bit I decide to go there for a beer.  Well, Okay not Imanas, my friends were at Kohnotori!

So I order a draft beer, and disgruntledly ask if they have the kawa (skin).  The previous 5 times I’ve asked this question had been met with a negative response.  But this time the waiter dude says YES.  LAST ONE!

I immediately order that last skin.

Words cannot describe how wonderfully tasty and how wonderfully salty this preparation is.  It was totally incredible!  No wonder it is such a popular item.

Kohnotori Skin, 4/4 grinning monkies

Ominous or a Test for Better Things to Come?

Well now, it’s 14:05 and I’m still at home. Yes, my flight was orignally slated to depart at 14:20. Calling Alaska Air and checking on line, the time repeatedly has been delayed. Now scheduled as 18:40. Upside is the soggy weather has lifted and the marathon street closures should be almost clear by then. I’ll also have a better timed chance to grab dinner. Downside is I’ll arrive after 02:00 in Seattle, so my plan to catch the bus is out and will end up forking out for taxi. The whole purpose of this trip was for me to go and stand by while the restaurant went through its first days, but it’s a little moot now as they threw a monkey wrench into things by opening early on Friday. My boss was frantically working on programming their menu to the last second. They gave him the bar menu that day. Anyway, I’m being sent up as planned. So by the time I get there, I’d expect a lot of the opening day problems will have already been fixed.

In any case, this should be intersting. Weather outlook for Seattle seems to be fairly mild precipitation wise, but cold, for the upcomming week. Sounds like they had a good weekend on the slopes, lots of freshies from the Friday night storm that tapered into Saturday, then sunshine on Sunday. Hope it’s not all tracked out by the time I get there!

Papadums and Waxing

Sorry, wanted to write a longer post on this past Sunday where Derek and I had a snowboard waxing session. I stopped at the India Market on Beretania St. and grabbed a jar of tamarind chutney and some papads straight from the enpowered Indian women. These commercial versions are paper thin, spicier, and saltier than our previous from scratch experiment. Oh, and they have a demented creepy bunny on the package, had to get it! And what does this have to do with waxing? They go hand in hand as we discovered cooking the papadums with a heat gun leads to more even results than trying to cook them over a propane burner. Anyway, gotta leave for the airport! Will try to add more later!

iPhone Doing a Windows?

I’m really getting mixed feelings about my iPhone. It’s a nifty device and has proven to be pretty useful in additional to the entertainment options. The 3G network seems to have improved some since my first post, but it still shows problems. So what’s my complaint now? I guess with the complexity and the loadability of software, it’s not as stable as an appliance. I had one instance a couple weeks ago of losing phone service entirely. Thought it was network problem, but doing the reset on phone fixed it. Now today I’ve lost phone service, and it seems wifi. Put a call in to tech support. Ran through the reset I already did, then a reset through the phone setting. Finally am doing a larger scale reset that is still running on my phone and will erase everything. Hopefully that will get the phone back running, we’ll see. So maybe it’s not such a great idea to have one device try to do so many ‘smart’ things if you rely on your phone as a phone. To their credit, there was no wait to get a binder reading tech on the line, but is this a case of product getting a high satisfaction rating because even though the product gives problems, the customer support is good?

Ugh, so that reset seems to have zapped the phone and the only thing you can do with it is call 911. I have to restore it from my iTunes, which is on my machine at home. So I’m without a phone today. Needless to say, I’m quite annoyed. The monkeys are getting angry that they have no cake and the forehead veins are begining to swell.

Ooops, I’ve just been informed that AT&T in Hawaii just went down, so it seems it’s not a fault of the iPhone. I wish tech support was aware of that before we erased my phone. I suppose I should have checked AT&T. Veins have subsided, but the monkeys still want their cake!

Fennel Fest

FennelOkay, so it wasnt really a FEST per se, it wasnt even a main ingredient. But this thing is so weird, it deserves to be in the title. When you cut in to the root, it emits a strong root beer like smell. Its ultimate fate was to be pan fried and served with a Spinach Salad. This was the prelude to Penne with fresh Pesto, and a breaded Mozzarella stuffed chicken on the side.




Continue reading ‘Fennel Fest’