No Banjo Love

sheesh, one little banjo bolt. No one has it retail. I figured Ron’s would have it to go along with the fancy anodized fuel line fittings, no luck. If I knew I would have grabbed one at the junkyard, there must be piles of there.

What I Would Give For a Banjo…

bolt. The engine is all together and back in the FX (engine leveler good!), there’s a few things to tighten up, hook up the radiator, plug back in the electronics, fill everything up, except for one bolt. Unfortunately it’s a special bolt, a banjo bolt for the fuel rail. I don’t know where the heck it went. Oh yeah, I don’t know where the keys went too….

Aw crap, spoke too soon, looks like the clutch plate is in backwards! It seemed to go in only one way but I think it wrong, there’s no engagement of the drive wheels. Dammit, gotta take things all apart again!

The Clutch

Not being covered by warranty and Toyota being so backed up, I tooked the FR-S elsewhere. Unfortunately my go to mechanic for work I don’t want to do is out on long term sick. So on one persons recommendation I decided to take it to Masaki’s down on King. As promised they took a look at it by next day. Estimate was $2,000, ouch! Damn, I wanted to ask if they needed a part time mechanic! However they said it should be done by Friday, if I were to do it, who knows when I would get it done. Besides, I had my hands full putting the rally FX back together. They called at the end of the day Friday to let me know it was done, but they had not road tested so they would not release it until Monday, I can respect that.

Machine work

p1060723The rally FX engine bits are finally back from machine work. It went through almost a total rebuild. New oversize pistons, block bored out to match. New rod and main bearings, upgraded ARP rod bolts, main studs. Possibly overkill there, but I figured if going through the trouble, might as well. Top end valve guides measured marginal also so new ones sourced for those as well. A pretty penny, should be interesting when all back together.

Beer Is Good – Full Sail Amber

p1060731From Oregon’s FUll Sail brewery, their amber. Pours a clear dark amber, small head. Strong floral hop aroma with accompanying bitter. Some of the malt fights to come through. Medium mouthfeel. Packs some buzz at 6% ABV.

Though not horrible, I can’t say I’m a fan. Given my personal bias I have to hops, I wns up giving this 2 out 4 boingy monkeys.



Beer Is Good – Kizakura Kuromame Ale

p1060729Another of the non-normal brews from Kizakura. Pours a cloudy medium amber, medium head. Definite aroma and taste of the roasted black bean. Crisp brightness middle to a mild bitter finish. Light mouthfeel.

Aside from the black bean, there isn’t a whole lot else going on with this beer, I’ll give it barely  3 out of 4 mame monkeys.



In a clutch

well, looks like the FRS is out of commission, probably for weeks. The clutch/throw out bearing went out. I’m sitting at Toyota service having dropped it off. They’re also saying prob not covered under warranty. Sucks. And the other issues it has suffered since almost new ill have to make some stink if I want done. I hate dealing with that. I’d take care of it myself except one needs a reflash of the ECU. I guess this is one of the hazards of owning first production new vehicle, but the clutch failure is kinda disappointing.

So the service dude called, throwout bearing is not covered under drivetrain warranty. So I put a call  into Ken at Pacific Automotive, my go to mechanic for stuff I don’t want to deal with myself. Turns out he is out due to health problems, oh no! So now I need to figure out what to do.




Continue reading ‘In a clutch’

Beer Is Good – Kizakura Yamadanishiki Ale

p1060726I’ve been staying away from their less traditional varieties, decided to try this one which is probably the least unusual saying it uses rice but still yeast. Pours medium yellow, slightly cloudy especially if you swirl the last bit. Medium head. Mild hops aroma, mild bitter. Touch of citrus note, grain notes in finish. Pretty light mouthfeel.

A little undecided how to rate this beer, I guess I’ll give it 3 out 4 ricey monkeys, although I don’t think itquite rates it.


Beer Is Good – Sam Adams Hoppy Red

p1060714Last variety in the pack, Hoppy Red. Can’t say I was looking forward to this. Pours deep amber medium head. Pine hoppy aroma. Bitter, A bit of roasted malt, lingering bitter finish. Medium mouth feel.

I’ll finish the beer, but I can’t say I really like drinking pine cones.

2 out 4 piney monkeys.

Beer Is Good – Ballast Point Black Marlin Porter

p1060712Hey, it’s a Ballast Point that’s not an IPA! Unfortunately I didn’t read the subtext, “hop forward porter.” And that is exactly what this is. Pours a extremely dark brown, basically black, strong head. Hop aroma and bitter, with dark roast porter. Medium thick mouthfeel.

I find its not horrible, but I’d like it much better with less hops. I have to give it 2 of 4 dark hoppy monkeys. If you like hops, then you might like this, but you need to like porters.