Hm, just heard HFD truck go up street, first Koko Crater rescue of the year maybe?
Well now, this cold front that is moving through Oahu right now is giving us more radical weather than anything all those hurricane warnings gave us a couple months ago. The wind is whipping around like crazy and heavy rain is falling. I fully expect to lose power at any moment. There’s been a few flickers so far. We had dinner, washed the dishes, let a wet Musubi cat in. I’ll go take a shower while the lights are on and pour me a imperial stout after. I can enjoy that in the dark. Hope this is short lived and lifts by tomorrow morning as the rally cross family is doing a cleanup/site inspection tomorrow at our new test site on Sand Island.
Was at Ninjaya picking up oshougatsu stuff and true to name, some ninja must have been sneaking around and put this in my shopping basket. I’m not sure how to use it. Do you sneak around when someone’s cooking, then bam, your foods seasoned without you knowing?
The annual Japan red & white festival is airing locally now. My fav site for Japan TV online no longer has the files section so I don’t have a convient online source for it. As such and since Risu is under the weather, guess I’ll be commenting and doing this the old fashioned way through broadcast TV. As such, comments may not be as detailed and will prob miss a bunch of performers since I’ve already missed the first twenty minutes missing a bunch of the youth oriented groups and will eating dinner soon. Unfortunately missed HKT48 opening the show with their can’t help thinking naughty thoughts lyriced Melon Juice. The staging looks fairly pared down again this year.
Well, 2014 has come and gone. Got lazy this morning, it’s nice & chilly, and took the hatsuhinode pic from the house.
Hasn’t been a particularly bad or good year. The bike trip to Whistler was a lot of fun.
The traffic wrapping up the year was not fun. The last two months I’ve used my horn more than I have my entire life, really.
Sad to see our venue for RallyCross close down, but the writing was on the wall. KRP owners were pretty unwise. But with the new year, we have the possibility of a new one opening up, test run is next week!
Doodeedoo, fire alarm going off at airport. Stuck waiting in security. Will I have time to check out the renovated pimp bathrooms? Will I end up eating all the stillwells cream horns standing here? Looks like no after work airport beer this time.
Dang it, weather had been good through the week, with nice cool temps. The Friday it clouded in with occasional passing showers. It wasn’t enough for us to call off a ride, so Dave and I headed out to Sunset Hills. In Kaneohe it was overcast but not actively raining, not a surprise there. It wasn’t exactly positive, but we loaded up and headed out anyway. The drive out was likewise not entirely positive, but not bad enough to give up. It was relatively clear in spots, although when we got closer to central Oahu we could see the Waianae range socked in with dark clouds. As we got through Wahiawa and heading down toward Haleiwa we could see more dark clouds and rain in the distance exactly where we wanted to go. Curses! The nearer we got, the worse the rain got. We are not riding today. We came all this way so we drove to the parking area anyway, and this is what it looked like. There actually was a fair number of vehicles already here, so there were people in the trails. But Dave and I had no desire to slog about in the high clay content mud here and ignore the signs posted admonishing against using the trails when muddy.
Oh, sirens going up the street. Wonder…. Yup, that sounds like HFD Air 1. They have gotten so good at this that by the time I dug out the camera, found a CF card and went outside, they already had the victim in the basket and heading to the park!
Winter seasonal from Deschutes. Pours a dark amber with moderately strong head. Fairly pronounced floral hop aroma. Flavor is bright and also pretty strong with the hops bitter. Mouth feel has some body, but not super heavy. Given how much the hops seems to figure in this beer, its surprising that I find this beer to be not bad at all. I do seem to detect a touch of funky aroma now. I think with the hops in here, gotta watch out for the hazard of photo skunking!
I’m giving it 3 out 4 winter monkeys, just barely tho.
Ok, if you need to drill holes in ceramic tile, don’t mess around and just get the diamond tipped drill bits. Don’t even bother with a masonary bit. The carbide tipped arrowhead bits work, eventually, but how much is your time worth?
I had to drill four 5/16″ holes for a work installation. Started with masonary bits because we had them. Hours and dulled bits later, one hole not even a quarter of the way through.
Next day returned with carbide tip bit. Almost an hour later one hole finally through. The bit was still pretty sharp, but this was taking too long. Not to mention there was nothing solid behind the hole to screw into so I was going to have to drill again!
Finally, after searching around I found the diamond tipped bit. The 5/16″ came in a “kit” for feeding water. Basically a dribble cup. Neat idea, but I think everyone tries it once then throws it away. Anyway, less than 10 minutes later, the hole is through.
Now I know….