Published on August 2, 2014 in Food and Review by taro. Closed
Final selection from their current variety pack, the Belgian Session pours a clear medium amber with a medium head. Floral and fruit aromas but not overpowering. Even bitterness that stays even throughout with a slight nuttiness in the finish. Medium mouthfeel that is lightened by crisp carbonation and astringency. And in keeping with the latest beer buzzword of being a “session” beer, it has a fairly low ABV in the 4% range. It does have considerably more complexity than a “session” water beer like Coors or the bit nicer “sessioner” Speights.
Published on August 2, 2014 in bike and Gear by taro. Closed
Been working out various things for action camera filming and one was improving on the pole. Started with one of those ultra compact telescoping chrome steel poles. It worked as a pole, but the only thing it really had going for it was that it collapsed down small enough to stuff into a cargo pocket for the lift ride up. Being steel it wasn’t particularly light for its size, but worse yet was it relied on friction fit to hold the segments which makes it wiggly.
I then got a pair of Leki carbon hiking poles and adapted it to mount a camera to its tip. The pole is very light. It’s great as hiking poles. However it had some issues for use an action camera pole. It has a 1/4×20 camera mount adapter, but that was quickly abandoned as it is too flimsy for action use. I then created a Frankenstein adapter for the tip, which I think I’ve blogged about in the past. That worked. The collapsed size is a bit long, too long to fit inside my riding backpack, not a major issue. The biggest issue was that it used twist lock to hold the segments. This was a problem in that using it with a camera mounted to the end, the segments would unscrew allowing the camera to flop around. You could try and screw the lock really tight, but it would present a challenge of aligning the camera the way I wanted consistently, and when I wanted to collapse it to stow for transport or lift ride it was a pain.
I guess the usage of “extreme” has not died yet as NW insists on using it for their top of the line cycling shoes. I got a pair of these MTB older models on closeout for a great price. Non-clown/superhero color of black. They feature a carbon sole and a top ratchet strap and lower “winch” lace system. It’s not BOA, which I find interesting since they use actual BOA brand closures on a coupe of their other shoes. I’m hoping this will give me a more secure fit that the Velcro strap closures on my current Scotts can’t.
Published on July 31, 2014 in bike by taro. Closed
I think Kuliouou is Hawaiian for eternally sucks on a mountain bike. This Sunday when ride plans fell apart, I found myself awake and ready to ride before 8:00 in the morning. I decided to go do Kuliouou although its universally hated among us. I figured the rain showers overnight had pretty much missed this area so it had a good chance of not being a muddy mess. By the time I decided and rode out from the house, I got to the trailhead a bit past 9:00. The street was already lined with cars and a number of hikers heading up. Yes, it was hot already, and getting hotter.
Published on July 30, 2014 in bike by risu. Closed
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
OK, there was a one-day gap there, so maybe it doesn’t count, but hey – that’s still 32 km this week! I dropped the fork pressure a bit since I still wasn’t getting full travel.
D = 11.0 km, Vavr = 15.8 km/h, Vmax = 33.3 km/h, T = 42-minutes, A/D = 149 m
Published on July 29, 2014 in Culture and Food by taro. Closed
In case you don’t know, today is this year’s unagi day. In Japan it’s a day when you’re supposed to eat unagi to fight the dog days of summer. Unagi is regarded as filled with nutrients to fill you with vigor and power, so to honor that tradition I made this unagi kabayaki don for dinner, and while I waited for the rice to cook, I went for a ride. Worked out just right as the new “smart” cooker takes almost an hour. OK, the asparagus with mayo isn’t very traditional, but hey, the mayo is Kewpie! I’m actually happy I got to do this as I was supposed to be at a restaurant first day tonight, but it got postponed. Everyone get your unagi on?
Published on July 28, 2014 in bike by risu. Closed
Monday, 28 July 2014
Weather was great, so even though I rode yesterday, I took an afternoon spin. With the unstable weather, I figured I should get in as much riding time as possible when I could get it.
D = 8.78 km, Vavr = 16.1 km/h, Vmax = 34.0 km/h, T = 33-minutes, A/D = 136 m
Published on July 27, 2014 in bike by risu. Closed
Sunday, 27 July 2014
There was a plan brewing for a weekend ride on Friday, but nothing fell together. I’ll shoulder the blame for that one. I was dead tired on Friday night, so I went to sleep shortly after getting home and showering. Chris and Root were up for something, but because I was out of touch, no plans were made, so we missed a chance to get some trail riding in on Saturday morning. Our subsequent planning discussion started too late and any possibility of a group endeavor on either weekend day fell apart. Still, I had to get out and do something, so I took a neighborhood spin on Sunday afternoon.
D = 12.7 km, Vavr = 15.2 km/h, Vmax = 35.6 km/h, T = 50-minutes, A/D = 179 m
Published on July 26, 2014 in Food and Review by taro. Closed
Another selection from their current Summer variety pack. Pours a cloudy light gold, light head. Citrus in the initial flavor and aroma, spice mid notes, hint of grain, medium mouth feel. Nice beer for those who like spiced Weiss, but is not as strong on the coriander as Hoegarten.
Published on July 25, 2014 in Food and Review by taro. Closed
Current seasonal, pours a clear bright yellow with small head. Not very strong floral aromas, not a whole lot of aromas period. Barest hint of the honey, a little bit of grain. Light on the bitter, clean tasting, medium mouthfeel. Easy drinking and retains a beer character. While not outstanding, its a solid drinkable beer.
it seems like chainring spacers are some kind of mystical vintage part. I've asked at almost every shop in whistler with a service department. Quite a few didn't even know what it was and couldn't comprehend what I wanted to do. Finally found some at Fanatyk Co but only ancient crusty mechanics know about these and they have poor eyesight or something. I asked for 3mm and he even used a ruler, he scrounged up 4mms.