Wednesday, 11 June 2014
After the long Sunday trail ride, I took Monday off to readjust the rear shock and resumed riding on Wednesday. I turned the boost chamber all the way in (it had been all the way out), and set that back at minimum pressure. I got the sag about right at a much lower main pressure, and didn’t have a problem with the shock bottoming. The weather was looking ominous on the way home, so I rushed to get suited up to beat the rain, but I got ambushed by my neighbor who was in a particularly talkative mood. Even with the late start, I got in about the normal distance and time, and even found a little hit off a water valve cover at the edge of a downslope that made for some fun, reasonably safe air. Several jumps and no bottoming! It was a bit dark when I got home though – I probably should have had my lights.
D = 10.6 km, Vavr = 15.0 km/h, Vmax = 32.7 km/h, T = 42-minutes, A/D = 135m