Beer Is Good – Sam Adams Octoberfest

This years SA Octoberfest offering. Pours a clear medium dark amber, moderate head. I’m thinking this bottle might have gone weird, not much head and it doesn’t taste as wonderfull as I remember the other bottles. I recall a nice nutty finish that made me happy. This one seems pretty weak, some bitter, a touch of sour, not a whole lot of flavor. I’m bummed, I was ready to give it 3.5 when I had the other bottles, but now that I’m using this one for my write-up I’m not so sure.

Guess I’ll have to go with a 3 out of 4 oompah monkeys.

New Fodder for the Meat Grinder

Looking at the clock in Chris’ car, I wasn’t surprised that we were the first at the trailhead. It was a little surprising that Root was moments behind us. Being a holiday, I was expecting the parking area to be full, but there was only one other user. Jeff, Sara, Danny and first-timer Craig arrived, and just about when the introductions were finished, Ckucke and JT arrived. It was good to see the stand-up crew back on two wheels in the dirt. There was some question as to whether JT could make it, since he had left his ride kit at work last week. He managed to borrow a helmet and shoes, so he was good to go. That made for a full crew! Continue reading ‘New Fodder for the Meat Grinder’

Beer Is Good – Ozeno Yukidoke White Weissen

Newly discovered at Marukai from Ozeno Yukidoke brewery in Gunma. Previous offering was an IPA, not my favorite style, but a weissen? Now you’re talking! Pours a cloudy yellow with moderate head. Some floral and spice aroma, fans of Hoegarten will like this. There is a fair amount of lingering bitter. A medium mouthfeel. . Initially I wasn’t sure how much I liked it with the fairly strong floral and bitter, but It seems to mellow as it warms and I think I like it better as it goes along!

3 out of 4 Weiss monkeys.

More 2013 Spring Anime

More current season anime!

Watashi ga Motenai no wa dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! “WataMote” (No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys’ Fault I’m Not Popular!) – this one is about a “mojou” or unpopular girl. In addition to being a fujyoshi otaku girl, she is completely socially dysfunctional, delusional, and creepy. There’s nothing remotely cute or moe about her. I can’t say I like the artwork. The backgrounds are middle-of-the-road with a lot of pentagonal/hexagonal lighting accents that look like American animation backgrounds. The character animation is fairly well executed. The whole story is just so sad and disturbing. It would seem that she actually needs some professional mental health attention, so it’s difficult to enjoy something that is making jokes at the expense of a character suffering from a psychological condition. I’m not saying that from a political correctness standpoint: I just find it unfunny. That being said, I guess this is the “train wreck” property this season, where I don’t really like it, but since I can’t obviously see where the story will wind up, I’ll keep watching to the end.  C

root – Its rather painful to watch, unfunny psychosis. I guess it’s suppose to take insecurities that everyperson experiences at some time and taken to extremes. Any chuckles that come are rather uneasy. I think the only thing I really like is that the opening theme music is angry, not that often heard in anime themes. C Continue reading ‘More 2013 Spring Anime’

Maui Das Y

Few weeks ago I was sent to Maui on a job. Although a weekend, thankfully this one started late so I didn’t have to catch the plane until 10:00. Flight uneventful, rental car supposed to be a Sentra, counter lady upgraded me to a Chrysler 200. A Chrysler 200 covered in poop. Chicken poop. Gate person said I could take it back and have them wash it again. Seems they have a problem with chickens roosting in the trees of their lot. I said never mind, I’ll just take it. Took it upon myself to later get rid of the most offending poop on the driver door handle. The 200 is itself a ok car, typical overboosted steering feel. Control layout easy to work, thankfully touchscreen only deals with audio. Unfortunately functions disabled so I couldn’t load a bunch of weird music onto the HD.

Continue reading ‘Maui Das Y’

Unpoopy Cat

Last week I had to take our cat to the vet. Not sure if it qualifies as another of her lives, it potentially could have been if left untreated. She hadn’t been eating much if anything for a few days. It turns out she was suffering from a severe case of the stuckies and it wasn’t going to fix itself. Poor kitty had to take it IDB to get things going again. She stayed at the vets for a couple days. She’s home now and doing well. I’ve told dad to not give her too much dry food, she’s had only wet for now.

Beer Is Good – Sierra Nevada 2013 Summerfest

Pours bright yellow with weak head. Strong floral aroma and bitter. Touch of citrusy brightness, but I don’t really detect citrus taste. Not a whole lot of other deep flavors. With just the strong hops, I can’t say I really like this by itself. It’s not skunky so it doesn’t totally turn me off, I’d drink it with some pupus.

2.5 out of 4 pils style monkeys.


Still Cannot Find

Wtf, finally made it, 10:00, and I still don’t know where my mind went. A little sprinkle greeted me, breeze is weak but it’s not so hot in the shade up here. I hauled all this gear up here so I’ll try some Les Stroud and take some video of myself on the trails.

Lost mind

I don’t know what insane bug got in my butt. I’m sitting here on the sidewalk 3/4 of the way up St. Louis Heights at 9:40am on a Saturday! I took the FRS in for service for some issues so I decided to ride my bike up St Louis. Geared up with all my video stuff. It’s quite beautiful weather, but on the flip side hot. The bus passed me when I was at the bottom of the hill, I should have caught it.

Random Garbage Headset

Really?  Is there anything correct here?  The top overlocknut is cross-threaded.  The lower of the two keyed washers is turned and jammed on the threads so the key isn’t in the groove.  The second (second?!?!) overlocknut spins and neither tightens nor loosens, since the threads have been stripped on the steerer.  The giant spacer is just a piece of random tubing and is not square on top or bottom.

…oh, and the headset is loose.