2013 Summer Anime

It’s been over several weeks since the start of the new anime season in Japan, so a lot of the shows are pretty far along.  It’s a little late, but here are some reviews of current properties if you haven’t started watching yet and need a helping hand trying to pick what to watch.  They’re not in any specific order:

Kiniro no Mosaic – when it was first announced, I was somewhat interested in this title, but after watching the first episode, the inevitable end was fairly obvious. The Japanese character being heavily Westernized and the foreign character being well-versed in Japanese culture schtick has been done numerous times before, but usually as an aside, not as a core interaction device. I’m sure we won’t see anything new this time around. The character design is cute and the character animation is above average. The backgrounds are very good. By nature of two of the characters being from England, the English language is naturally going to be encountered. They got reasonably close grammatically, though it is still a little “Speed Racer” awkward. The thing that ruins it is the accenting of words within the sentences is all off. At least it will probably be a somewhat entertaining ride.  B-

Root – I have top  say I was pretty let down, I was looking forward to this, but it fell pretty flat for me. It isn’t terrible, it looks nice and can be entertaining, but the gags and humor are a little weak. Yes, the English is bad, although correct. But that’s something I’m used to and expect, although there has been a rare case of native English voices, but the script they read from is filled with odd english. It just occurred to me, they really should be speaking the Queens English. Wonder what that would sound like! C+

Continue reading ‘2013 Summer Anime’

Got a Berg?

It had come up in conversation with our resident Kauai expat this Goteborg musubi. What’s that, we all asked? Seems to be a Kauai thing, SPAM wasn’t good enough for them. They had to get all hoity toity and use some exotic euro preserved meat. Although what you find will most likely be a Hormel product, the same as SPAM. On some quick investigation it turns out that the sausage is a dry salami type sausage from Sweden. Who knows exactly how/when it came to be a local musubi ingredient, just as SPAM has. Perhaps as consequence of the size of the slices, or more likely just because the Atooi wanted to different, the meat is placed on the bottom of the musubi as opposed to the traditional SPAM on top. Continue reading ‘Got a Berg?’


I never saw so many people out at the Ditch.

When we met at the trailhead on Sunday morning for a quick spin, the parking area was full. Chris wondered if Xterra or something was coming up, though we didn’t see anyone who really fit the flailing triathlete profile out on the trail. Almost immediately, a lady with a helmet came out through the gate. She didn’t have a bike, which confused me. Was she just a clumsy hiker? Later as we were heading in, she went in to retrieve her bike that she had left just inside the opening in the fence. Her riding companion had finally arrived at the bottom of the trail and was expousing her learned wisdom on the Maui shark attack victim from Germany. Just as we were starting the climb, a pleasant lady sand her two pleasant dogs also began the trail. Continue reading ‘Crowded’

The Cards Have It

As in previous years, there’s a common theme in some of the anime properties this season. This year it’s magical girls and cards. The three I’m thinking of are Fantasista Doll, Day Break Illusion, and Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya. In Fantasista Doll, the middle-school protagonist comes into possession of a smartphone that allows her to call forth five combat “dolls” that she can variously equip with a card app on said phone. In Day Break Illusion the high-school protagonist has inherited the power to transform and use the power of tarot cards to engage in battle with dark forces. In Prisma Illya, the elementary-school protagonist becomes the unexpected heroine through happenstance and has to use her newfound powers to stop the transdimentional manifestations of cards and collect them. All three have different intents, but all share high quality artwork, both in the character animation and background art. Continue reading ‘The Cards Have It’

Cream horns

Yay my box of cream horns made it through TSA!
Amazing how a liitle nice booze takes the edge off, happy happy!

Damn computers!

1 hour 15 minutes later I’m finally in the airport bar pounding a .5l draft Hoegarten. Guess that makes up for some of it, and the fact they stopped carrying Guinness.

Kahului airport

Da fak?! Is the self service terminals all broken? The screens are up but no one is using them, good thing I’m an hour and 40 minutes early!

Farewell Maui

So I wonder if this has anything to do with my little friend who greeted me on the floor of the washroom yesterday.


Post 2013 August Moon

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Honolulu Museum of Art to support the Museum and the Hawaii art community!  I was engaged in creation (though at times fruitlessly), so I didn’t get to talk to many of you, but I enjoyed meeting those of you who I had the brief lucid moments to converse with.  Thanks to you who bought my pieces!  Hopefully we’ll meet again next year!

Welcome to Maui

I guess Kahului is not where you stay if you want the resort experience.